The Markets
CHICAGO, Jan. 6. The board oL trade quotationa to-day were as follows: Wheat- No. 2 Jannary, opened 91e, clossd 89Jjc; May, opened 98Je, closod B7Je; July, opened 93%c, closed 92c. Corn- No. 3 January, opened 494c closed 48VLc; February, oponed 506c, dos d 49rjjc; May, opened 53J4 , closed 6'éc Oats- No. 2 January, openod 4LJe, closed 42c; February, opened 43Lc, clo-ed 4;iJc; May, opened 45%c, closed 45Híc. Pork- January, opened S.O.WJ, closed 810.U3H; February, opened S10.80, closed $10.75; May, opened 811.40, closed W.0.2%. Lard- January, opened $5.90, closed 5.92}L. Cattle- Native beef steers, $3.25@5.50; stockers and f. eders, {2.10@3.1Ö; cows and bulls, 1.50 3.25; Texas steers, $2.40@3.50; calves, $2.50O3.25. Sheep- In good dem:ind; S3.25 5.55; Jambs, S4.75 6.33. Produce: Butter- Faucy separator. 27@23c; dairies, finest fresh, 18@2üc; packing stock, 10 lic; gi'ease, 4(Tt5c. Eggs- Fresh candled, loss off, 2-lc per doz; ice house stock, 18@20c Dressed poultry- Chickens, 0557c per lb; turkeys. 10lác; ducks, 10 üllc; geese, 79o Potatoes- White rose, 80@85c per bu red rose, 75$80c; Hebron, 85390c; Peerless, 80@85c; Bur banks, 85@95c. Sweot potatoes- Jerseys, S3.75 CïAOi per bbl; Illinois, i 3.003.:ö. Apples- Cooking, S3.00@4r.00 per bbl; eating, $4.0 @5.00; Michigan choice, g3.75@4.00. New York. New Yohk, Jan. G. Wheat- No. 2 red winter cash, $l.(W@1.06)á; do January, ■ 1.04; do May, . 1.05J4; do July, $1.00. Corn- No. 2 mixed cash, 00@@61c; do January, 59c: do May, 69c. Oats- Quiet; No. 2 mixed cash. 49@49c; do May, 51&C. Rye - Nominal. Barley - Nominal. Pork - Dull; mess, $U.(M@12.U0 fornew. Lard- Quiet; January, Sfi.25. Live Stock: Cattle- Firm, but no trading in beevus; dressed beef, steady; native side. 6J4 O"ic $ ï. Sheep and Lambs- Sheop, flrm; lambs, a shade higher; sheep, 84.00@5.60 %1 100 Rs; lambs, O.IXigr.üO. Hogs- Nominally steady; livehogs, S:.40a3.90 10Ü fts. Toledo. Tolkdo, Jan. 6. Wheat- Lower and quiet; cash, SKJc asked; May, l.i OJ-S; July, 93!c; August, 92c. Com- Quiet; cash, &.'c; May, 53%c. Oats- Firm; cash, 44c; May, 47c. Clover seed-Steady; cash, $4.35; February, S-t.4ü; March, Í4.46. St. Louis. St. Louis, Jan. 6. Wheat-Cash higher; cash, 93J4@93Mc: fut ureslower; February, 94c; May, 'My&c. Corn - Firmer; cash, 47 4So: options lower; May, 49%c; July, 52c. Oats- Higher; cash, 44c; May, lower, 45c. Pork -Firmer; $10.70. Lard- Stronger: ,5.75. Whisky- Steady; $1.14. Detroit. Detroit, Jan. 6. Wheat- Cash, 94Jc; red cash, 94VLc; January, 94He; May, Corn- Cash, ftlc; May, 5.c Oats- Cash, löjc; cash white, 46c. Milwaukee. MiIWAükke, Wis., Jan. 6. Wheat- Lower; No. 2 spring on track cash, 88c; No. 1 northern, 90c Cora- Firm; No. 3 on track, 49Hc. Oats -Steady ;No. 2 white on track, 46c.
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