Illinois Legislature
Speikofield, Hls., Jan. 6. - Once more and ior the thirty-seventh time in the history of the state of Illinois the state legislature met at 12 o'clock noon to-day. Nearly every member was in his seat. The opening prayer was delivered, addresses of welcome made, and the legislatura was ready to select officers. The following are leading candidates and are almost sure winners: President pro tem of the senate, Senator Matthews; speaker oí the house, Crafts. Délos P. Phelps, of Monmouth, was re-elected chairman of the Democratie state central committee last night by acclamation. It is impossible to say how the Alliance votes will go as to United States senator. Speingkikld, Ills., Jan. 7. - The Deniccrats caucused yesterday and selected Clayton E. Craft for speaker of the house by a heavy majority. Tlien the following were nominated: Chief clerk, W. H. Hinrichson; doovkeeper, Browne. Assistant clerks and doorkeeper were also nominated. The Republican caucus nominated Q; J. Chott for temporary speaker and a full list for the other offices. The legislature met to-day instead of yesterday, as stated in these dispatches.