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A lyceum is tobe started at Lima. A flouring mil] is again projected at South Lyon. , J. B. Godfrey, of York, first saw Saline fifty years ago Friday. The Superior grange gives a reception at Grange hall Thursday. A box social villbe held this evening at Andrew Miller's, in Webster. Richard White, formerly of Ypsilanti, died in Bay City, December 3TYpsilanti mail carriers collected and distributed 764,366 pieces of mail last year. A conference of the Lutheran clergy will be held in Ypsilanti today and to-morrow. A Womans Relief Corp is to be organized in Manchester, if the example of Ann Arbor and Chelsea is to be followed. James B. Murrah, of Goldthwaite, Texas, and Miss Paulina Mills were, married at the residence of the' brides parents in Bridge water, January 7th. The Saline farmers' club has elected the following officers, President, Delos Townsend; vice-president, Gilbert Hurd, Mrs. P. E. Townsend ; secretary, Mrs. A. A. Wood; treasurer, Albert Cobb; executive board, Norman Wood, E. C. Warner, Geo. Shaw, Mrs. Fred Wood and Mrs. Isaac Shaw. The February meeting will discuss What can We Raise on Our Farms to compete with the West. Jonathan Bibbs, of near Ypsilanti, ost his house by fire Thursday ight. This is the fourth fire that Mr. Bibbs, who is a colored man, ïas had in fifteen years. The editor of the Ypsilantian hould undergo treatment for his nerves and on no account trust himelf out in the highway without a 'blind bridle" to hide the wayside ghosts. Last week during a short editorial excursión he saw the bloodcurdling cipherdispatches of Samuel Tilden in 1876, a scheme of Senator 3utler for abolishing the i.sth amendment, and oneor two political assassinations in the south. He needs a good nerve tonic and will probably get it, if he keeps in - his iresent state. - Adrián Press. The Manchester Arbeiter Verein have expended $3,116.37 this year, and still have $206.95 left, besides excellent grounds. The following are the officers for the coming year : President, N. Schmid; vice-president, F. Steggemeir; secretary, Fred Kurfess; treasurer, Wm. Kirchgessner; physician, C. F. Kapp; Standard bearer, Ed. Braun; janitor, C. Senger; trustees, John Koch, John Kensler, Jacob Knapp, Joe Kremer, Wm. Buerele, Wm. Rehfuss, N. Senger, J. F. Miller, and J. Stegmiller. Committee: Wm. Koebbe, N. Schmid, Wm. Rehfuss, John Koch, and F. Steggemeir.