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Methods Of "mind-readers."

Methods Of "mind-readers." image
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The entertainment to be given Saturday of next week at the Univerity hall will be of decidedly novel character. A non-believer in "mindeading" will give an illustration of 'mind-reading." Since the days of the celebrated Washington Irving Bishop, no such opportnnity for witnessing the methods of "mind-readers" has been offered. No feat performed by "mindreaders" hasso mystified the people, and so deluded them, as that of driving a team of horses through crowded streets while heavily blindolded. This is the performance that was exposed by Dr. Chas. Gatchell, in Chicago last September. He has successfully repeated it in Ann Arbor, and claims to be able to duplĂ­cate any of the tricks, as he calis them, done by Bishop, Johnson or any other professional. He will, it is said, repeat this feat next Friday. At the time of the excitement attending the exposure of Johnson, in Ann Arbor, last November, Dr. Gatchell was deluged with letters and telegrams from cranks in all parts of the country, challenging him to various tests. A certain "Prof. "Granger, of Mexico, Mo.,who claims to have been Bishop's tutor, ofiered to come to Ann Arbor and put up a large sum of money which he would forfeit if he failed to "read" the doctor's mind. The doctor was to make a similar forfeit in case he succeeded. This offer was promptly accepted, but nothing has been heard from "Bishop's tutor." A Philadelphia "thought-transferer" sent a long telegram containing a peculiar offer. The answer returned was: Try your mind-reading powers on the Kelly-motor man and let me know the result. Certainly a great many remark able things have been accomplishec by means of so-called "mind-read ing, "and muscle-reading, whicheve it may be, and we hope that afte next week Friday we may all be ac