Stinson & Co
lUKTLlM), MAIXK. VtlOOO. 00 a year is being mario by Jotin R, Goodwln,Troy,N.Y.,at work for us. Hender, you muy not ninke na titurtí, biit wo can k tendí yon quickly howr to carn ('rom $6 to r$I n lny at the nHirt, a id mon as you go du. UtitU Hoxofi, all iil'c-, Iti nny part of ■Amcricn, you can eommcncí at home, gívïing all your tinic.or apani uiometiU onlv to . tlio wprk. All U new. Groat pay SritE Cor every workr. Ve atart you, fumUlting verytlitnK. EA8ILY, SI'EKDILY loonicil. PAtíTIí:i;r,AHfi FlítE. Addrewat once.
Stinson & Co.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Portland Maine