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Hard Row To Hoe

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LlSCOLN, Neb., Jan. 9.- There was another joonkey and parro); of a tie in the iegixlature ycsterday. The thingthat developed wa-s that the AJlianoe men,with the habii or eaily rising iuculeated and atui practiced by the well-regulated granger, had capturad the house chamber at u u'c;ock in the morning, put their speaker iu the chair and surrounded him with a Kaard of assistant sergeants atnrms. Then the speaker issued an order forthe iirrtst of Lieutonant Governor Meikeljoli:), Üu pround of this remarkable proceeding bcing charges that the lieutenaut (foveinor was guilry of misconduct in office and brcacli of the peace. A lefi and a líackdown. It might be asked of this order- "Wliat was 1 beyuu for to be so soon done for," as when the uttempt was made to arrest fleikeljsh'j b defled the writ andwould not sublriit to arrest, whereapon the speaker's officials pocketed the writ and also the defi, and the lieutenant goveruor walked to the front of the chuir, whieh was occupicd by the speaker, and announced that he was ready to cali the joint convention to oiver. T'ne situation was decidedly ticklish. There were assistant sergeantsat-arms by the score on both sides of the quurrel, and a Doimybrook fair proceeding would have been easy to precipítate. Referred to the Supreiue Court. This was observed bv the cooler heads of the opposing forces and it was decided to appoint a committee from eacli side, which should go before the supreme court and submit the question at issue - whether the canvass of the vote for state offtcers was the first thing in order, and who had the right to preside - to that body. The committees were appointed and proceeded to perform their duty, and the hostile forces declared a truce until the report was made. In the meantime Governor Thayer ordered out a company of state militia, which prcceeded to the capitol and stacked arms in the corridor. Decided Against the AUiance. It did not take long for the supreme court to decide the points submitted to it, and the decisión was a black eye for the AUiance men. A mandamus was issued ordering the speaker to proceed as the lieutenant governor had decided should be done Wednesday, and sustaining the anti-Alliance men on every point. But in order to serve the writ the sheriff and his posse had to fight their way through the speaker's sergeants-at-arms, and duriug the iracas a number of hats were smashed and a few heads made sore, while the sheriff was nearly denuded of elothing in the struggle. The writ having been served, Meikeljohn declared the session adjourned. Mime Legislative "Scraps." But the Alliance men were only somewhat disfigured; they were still in the ring, and it required a few regular knockonts before the adjournment was effected. The AUiance man who kept the door attempted to lock the antis up in the chamber when they attempted to leave. Then there was blood on the moon. The "man in the door"got hisclarettappedstraightway, and this brought him to books. Then a series of free flghts oócurred, and Nat Brown, of Omaha, handled his "dukes" so effectively that another AUiance man threw up the sponge. Oh, it was an "illegant time" for a while, but the excited statesmen finally arrived at their hotels and prepared for the duties of the afternoon by nourishing the inner man. The Grangers Early Again. Before the anti-Alliance men could go to the chamber in the afternoon the Alliance men had repeated the morning tacties and taken possession of the hall. They were proceeding toorganizeby themsel ves when the attorney general advised them to submit to the order of the supreme court. They paid no attention to the advice, and elected Speaker Eider chairman of the joint session and started to begin work, when the lieuteuant governor appeared at the door and wanted to get in. The doorkéeper refused to let him pass. The Goveruor Threatens lïayonets. The lieutenant governor appealed to Governor Thayer, and the governor ordered that unless Meikeljohn was admitted the militia would take him in at the point of the bayonet. Meikeljohn was admitted, and walking directly to the speaker's stand he demanded: "Mr. Speaker, do I understand that my passess will not be honored?" "That's all right," replied the speaker. "I want these passes honored as you agreed they should be upon your honor as a man," declared Meiklejohn. "I'll see that it's done," replied the speaker. Meiklejohn's passes had been refused at the door by the Alliance sergeant atarms. A Semblance of Order Secured. Then the anti-Alliance men appeared aud took their seats, and at 2: 15 Speaker Eider called the joint session to order. The Republicans and Democrats were in their seats and answered the roll-call. Meikeljohn held his position in front of the speaker's stand, which was crowded with Alliance men. Chaplain Diffenboicher prayed that the Almighty would give the legislators there assembled grace to control themselves and faithfully perform their duties. Then Meikeljohn immediately assumed control of the joint assembly. This was scarcely objected to by the independents, most of whom were becoming disgusted with the tacties of the leaders. A committee notifled the secretary of state that the joint session was ready to proceed to canvass the state vote. A Word from the Supreme Court. The returns were taken iu charge by Meikeljohn, who handed them over to Eider. Eider announced that they had not been tampered with. Then Meikeljohn, after announcing that the Alliance secretaries had refused to act, ordered Stenographer Reed to keep a record of the proceedings. This was accomplished amid a great deal of confusión, the Independents resorting to all sorts of dilatory tacties. It was 4 o'clock when Speaker Ekler commenced, at Meikeljohn's behest, to read the returns. As slowly as he could the speaker called off the vote of each county. In the meantime filibustering was continued. Chief Jnstice Cobb, of the supreme court, sent in word that the men who advised the Alliance men to disregard the mandates of the court would be dealt with severely. Declared the Electlon Vold. This had a soothing effect on the obstructionists in the lobby. At 5:30 the speaker finished the canvass and formally declared that James K. Boyd had been duly elected governor. This declaration was also made in referenca to the Republican state ticket below governor. Then au Allianc" member inf.roduced a resolution to tli.' effect that the elc:tion was void, and refusing to cecogajze anyofthe officers as electeü; a!.so cusurini the supreme courc. After much deiay and discusöion tlio resolution y-as adopted by a strict party vote- 70to5'J- the Repubiicans and DL-niocr.ts voting no. 'I he joint session then adjourned. More Trouble for Boyd. Within thirty minutes after the official announcemont of the lection's result by Speaker Eider, the oath of office had been administered to Governor Boyd and the other officers-elect, and their bonds approved by the supreme court. But there was anotlier ob-tacle in the path of Boyd to the governor's chair. At 9 o'clock last eveniug Boyd called on Governor Thayer and was informed that the latter would not give up the office, on the ground that Boyd was not a citizen of the United States and was therefore not eligible. Governor Thayer has barricaded the exective office and remains inside with policemen and a company of militia on guard. It is impossible to reach him to ascertain bis purposes, but it is understood that he will lemain governor, if possible, until all questioiM atfecting his successor are settled.