Mrs. Grimes is postmistress of Stockbridge. Six new street lamps have been put in at Clinton. George Nisle is foreman of the Manchester firemen. The Manchester brewery uses 700 tons of ice in a season. James Gage, of Manchester, will build a house next spring. William Howlett, of Waterloo, has added ten acres to his farm. New stone steps will be put in at St. Joseph's church, in Dexter. A. D. Jackson is superintendent of the Milan Baptist Sunday school. The Manchester Enterprise is still agitating for a new depot in Manchester. Dwight Butler, of Webster, while boxing the other day, feil and broke his arm. E. N. Randall, of Bridgewater, has lost two horses in the last three months. John Roberts has purchased 96 acres of E. Jackson in Auguáta for Í4.000. Mina, the infant daughter of John Erlenbush, of Bridgewater, died January 9. Frank Moedening, aged twelve, of Sharon, broke his arm while climbing a fence, the other day. Eight hundred dollars have been collected towards building a Lutheran church at Whittaker. John Kensler shipped 345,280 pounds of freight from Manchester last year. He shipped 24,002,400 eggs. Mrs. Henry Pacey died at the residence of Amos B. Phelps near Dexter, Thursday, aged ninety-five years. Frank Wiard and Miss Emma Morgan, of Ypsilanti, were married by Rev. J. S. Cheney Thursday evening. A Manchester man who is making a reputation for truth and veracity, foundalive Caterpillar in the snow the other day. A donation party for the benefit of Rev. E. H. Conrad will be given at the residence of Mrs. H. Carpenter,near Dexter, this evening. C. G. Slimmer, a Grass Lake man, cleared $242 from ten hens last year. It is unnecessary to state that the hens were blooded and their eggs sold high. Alvireze Potter died in Dexter last Wednesday, of inflammation, aged fifty-six years. He was a veteran of the war. His life was insured for $-?,ooo. Clinton is without adequate fire protection. It should purchase the hand engine belonging to the city of Ann Arbor, which has been replaced by a steamer, and be adequately protected. There will be a carpet rag social at Grange hall, North Lake, Tuesdayevening, Jan. 27th, 1891. Every lady is expected to bring a cake and a ball of carpet rags, with her name enclosed in center of ball. Each gentleman will pay 20 cents for a draw, and escort the owner to supper. - Chelsea Herald. Died, at his residence in Ypsilanti on the 8th inst, Dr. John W. Babbitt, aged 89 years. Dr. Babbitt was a native of Vermont, where he received a liberal and professional education, after which he moved to the state of New York, and engaged in practice. In 1849 he came to Ypsilanti, where hehas since resided, and soon acquired a good practice, which he maintained until he retired from active service, though he continued to counsel with his professional brethren. He served as alderman for several years, during which Babbitt street was named after him. He served also one term as justice of the peace. His funeral, attended by Rev. Mr. Woodruff of St. Luke's, took place on the loth. Three sons survive him. The oldest, J. Willard, is the present judge of probate of this
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Mina Erlenbush
John W. Babbitt
John Erlenbush
Amos B. Phelps
George Nisle
James Gage
William Howlett
A. D. Jackson
Dwight Butler
E. N. Randall
John Roberts
Frank Moedening
John Kensler
Mrs. Henry Pacey
Frank Wiard
Emma Morgan Wiard
J. S. Cheney
E. H. Conrad
Mrs. H. Carpenter
C. G. Slimmer
Alvireze Potter
John Willard Babbitt