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Peculiar Peculiar in combination, proportion, and preparation oí ingredients, Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses the curative valué of the best known ■■-. _ jj_ dies of the vegetable FIUOU Skingdom. Peculiar in its strength and economy, Hood's Sarsaparilla is the only medicine oí which can truly be said, " One Hundred Doses One Dollar." Peculiar in its medicinal merits, Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hitherto unwoSSarsaparillaseu thetitle of "The greatest blood purifierever discovered." Peculiar in its "good namO at home,"- there is more of Hood's Sarsaparilla sold in lowell than of all other blood puriflers. -Peculiar in its phenomenal record of E - „ sales abroad no other feCUIiarpreparation ever attained so rapidly nor held so steadfastly the confldence of all classes of people. Peculiar in the brain-work which it representa, Hood's Sarsaparilla combines all the knowledge which modern research- te_f in medical science has lö ■ iScIT developed, wlth many years practical experience in preparing medicines. Bo sure to get ouly Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drnggists. $l;sixforg5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecariea, Lowell, Mass. JOO Doses One Dollar One Month Free TO-DAY A JOUENAL OF POLITICS A weekly record of the FACTS AN D CONSIDERATIONS which show that individual liberty is good for the people of the United States: And that, therefore, Excessive Legislative Regulation is injurious to them. They are injured by Governmental interference with Banks, RaUroads, Post-office Education, International Trade, Relations between Laborers and Employers, and by the countless other extensions of the politica] function in a Socialistic sense; Leading to the neglect of JUSTICE, the one thing needful. Those who are in sympathy with the object, or who are likely to be interested in such a paper, may receive it one month free by ad dressing TO-DAY, 3 Summerset St, Boston, Mass, &&WjÈb , 000. 00 r ycar is beinp muelo by Jnim R nAK dttikw! '" " 'l"v nl l'lü r1'n' "'"' " ""' !is Vo v' tJ JÉH 11"" work. All Íi nuw. Groat pay SriíK'for K every workor. W itnrt yon funilHliiiiR mMar ev.TvflíinK. EA81LY, 81'EKUILY lenrii1 WB IfL PAUTICULABS FKEE. Addrwiatoncci L SU3IK„MM)N A CU., l'ORTLAMi, JUA1.NK.