Bick neadache ind relievo all tbo trooblsg inciV öeat to a bilious efcite of tho system, suoh ag Dizziness, Nansoa, Drowsiaess, Distress after eatiDg. ïain in the Side, &c. While theirmoati rernarkable euccess lius been shown in curiug Eetátecho, yet Carter's Little Ltvor Pilis aia Oqually valuablo in Constipation, curing and pra venting t.hisannoyingcomplaint,whilotheyalsï oorrect all disorders oí thos tomach.stiimilatö thfl livor and regúlate üie bowela. Even ií' tliey onl j í.oliothey- onldboalraostprioeloEstotliosowlia Ruííer fromthisdistrcssingcomplaint; butfortu I Katelytheirgoodneï-sdoeanoteudhcre.aniUhosa ■ivhooncetrj'them"Will ñnd the3elittlo pilla valrxI ïibJoïu eoiuauy waysthafc tliey will not bo wilïiag to do witliout them. Eut aíter allsick heaá ! '&thft bañe of so many Iivo3 that hero fg ■whera ! ■tvCsmaeourgi'eatboast. Ourpillscureitwhüo ofHcr 'y üo not. Onrler's Lít.tlo Llvcr Pilis aro vra-y r.mall and , vory essy to tako. Ono or tv.'o pills makoa doso. ÏTiiey arestrlotly vegetable and tk nob gripe or purOp butby 'heir goníle acïioa pïeaoall who i'Be+hem. In víais at 25 cents; íivefor$l. Sold b'j ílraggieta evorywliere, or sent hy mail. ÏARTER SVIEGUCINE CO., New York. Si,íALL?iLL.SÍMLOOSE.SMALLPRIGE DECLININC 9VIANHOOD ft Wonderful Spanisli Q S" í Remedy. cures all Ner7l-i 5 vou8 Díseases, such as Sfif Wenk Memory, Lobs of ffSfsír ürnin Power, Hcadache, 12LSMFX, Wukefuluess, Lost Manjl3Ü'(4 "'"U Nervousness, Lasrí eitude. all drains aud loes d„_.„ n. iTL.__ ■■__ of power of the GeneraBefo re & After Use. tlveOrgauslneithersex cauaed byover exertion, youthíul lndcscrctioiis, or the sxcessive use of tobáceo, oplum, or stlmulants. whicli altlmately lead to Inrirmlty, Coneumption and lusanity. Put up in conveníent form to carry ín tíie vest pocket. Price % 1 a package, or 6 for $5. Síx package cures the [he worBt cásea. Sent by mull to any address. Circalars free. Mentlon tlils paper. Address U. S. Agente. VADKID G1UBICAL CO., éX7 Dearborn BU, Chíctgo, IU. FOR SALE IS ANN ARBOR, M1CH, BÏ Mann Bro., DrugKisti. 39 Sooth Main St. ). J. Ooodyeu-'a Druc Store, Ko. 5 South Mln St
Drugs (Medical)
Mann Bros
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
39 S Main St
5 S Main St