News Of The State
The tlr ■:-■■■;■ ' ímv'uc roiinty ëhipped 400 care (if üv.'Stc: ! ,,■ past year. The letddiiii ure wiil be askeil to frame a law, g(jod and strong, that will require all undertakers and einbalmors to procure a license if tkey dejire to continue caring for the dead. A Caseville widow of fonr years' standing, has been arrested for buryisg her infant child in the cellar of her domicile. The woman claims the babe died f rom natural causes. Bear Lake peojile are tryiug to convince the Chicago and West Michigan Railway company that a spur liue to their town would be of iiHuuul ailvantage to alj concerned. Bad Axe folks are of the opinión that their town is underlaid with coal and will spend $600 in diggin; to sea if their suppositions are correcr. Crosby & Co., A Muskegon, will build $25,000 worth oí' a nw lake pier at that port. There be no great margin in the job, as other bidders made 'em ligure close to secure it. A sang of oonuterfeitew were recently arregted near Dt'tro.t. They indulged chiefly in the manufacture of bogus silver dollars. United State. detectives did the job. Kewman and Iloward Steels, father and sou who lived at Imlay City, were caught by the detaehed portion of a freight train at that town and instantly killed. Michigan passenger ugeuts have finally decided to gianf. a 2-cent rate when teu or more people desire to take a trip betweeu any two given points on the same train, while a lí-cent cut will be granted to a crowd of fifty that may be similarly situated. The Albion Milling company is grinding out a grist to be shipped to Londonderry, England. The order calis for 5,000 sacks. Muskejion gets the Alaska Refrigerator company's plant away from Michigan City. The coiupany hu facilities for keeping 400 employés busy. A trio of lshpeining lads, the eldest of whom had seeu but iourteeu summers, vvere arrested while burglarining a local hardware store. They had a n'ne kit of burglar's tools to opérate with. F. J. Lamb & Co., a Grand Rapids firm, desire to ascertain the rt-spousibility of railway corporations to their patrons, and so briug a $10,000 damage suit against the Michigan Central for alleged delay in transporting goods. Thomas J. Tann is an Elwell man of 80 summers who can ride a bicyole with the ease and precisión of the spryest youngster. Not far from $10,000 worth of lumber was burned on Fletcher & Son's docks, at Alpena, recently. An Elm Hall widower, who's seen 65 years, thinks 'twould be a good scheme to begin lile anew and so has married a girl of 14 summers- still another case of December and May. A huge oak log was being whittled up in a Flint mili 'tother day, when the sawyer noticed fur flying from the saw teeth. The log was stopped at once, and an investigation showed that a coon was snugly stowed away in a hollow of the big oak. Nine years ago a Branch county citizen was the owner of a 840 horse which he had little use tor, and so swapped it for city lots in the suburbs of Chicago. Xow he an take Í4.0Ü0 for the lots, but prefers to wait awhile. W. P. Edison, of Port Hurón, a brother of Edison, the inventor, died recently at Port Huron. A Nirvana gentleman and his wife desired to drive over to Reed City, and the weatlier being cold, the driver placed a lighted lantern in the cutter as a foot warmer. The scheme worked nicely - so well, in fact, that the buffalo robe, the wlfe's dress and the husband's pants were badly burned. He'll try 'smother scheme next time. The Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance company, of Ottawa county, carries about 1,000,000 wortli of risks, and only had to whack up for $34 worth of losses last year. The members are mostly thrifty Germans who are very cautious about flres. Michigan farmers market&l 7,730,372 bushels of wheat during the last five months of 19X. Menomiuee people are in pursuit of a "bitters" factory, and to show that they want it and want it badly, they have subscribed S50,00u to back the venture. Bay county's court house is probably not worth more than 30,000, about oneflfth its cost. The Mt. Clemens Presbyterian church will try the effect of enlivening their music by introducing a frisky flddle into the church services. H. H. Swan, a Detroit lawyer, has been appointed to the district bench to fill the vacancy caused by the appointment of Judge Brown to the supreme court. Au epidemie of measles is making a speckled time for the folks at Colon. East Tawas people sigh for a bank that will not break and have subscribed $35,000 to the capital stock of one to be organized under the state laws. Ferdinand Schwaederhas been con victed in the Bad Axe circuit court of the murder of bis father near Minden City some inonths since. A life sentence ut the Jackson prison will be his portion The receivers' schedule of the indebted ness of the J. E. Potts Salt and Lumber company show direct indebtedness of $930, 846.14, with contingent liabilities of $614,185.35, making total liabilities oE $1,545,031.49. The assets of the concern figure up $578,790.73 - not a very bright showing for the unsecured creditors. Mrs. William D. Brown was given poison by a Flint druggist by mistake. Three children mourn her untimely death. S. A. Jack, au Iron dountain chap, was so humiliated by being locked up in the bastile that he hung himself with his handkerchief. The bandana being a strong one, Jack's spirit had fled before hia predicament was discovered. Nearly $350,000 worth of property went up in smoke at Bay City the past year, a larger flre loss than for several years. Belleville people manage to keep comfortably clothed although there's not a tailor in the town. A Clinton glrl had the presence of mind, as well as the muscle, to knock down a drunken chap who attempted to hug her on a public street of that town. ( iRogers City is being visited by an epidemie of diphtheria and the public schools are closed as a precautionary measure agaiust the unwelcome visitant. Even this early in the year has a base 3all association been organized at Bay City. A Sturgis young man is having a Cough time in the pursuit of matrimony, all on account of a pesky rival. The latest move of thu latter was the stealing or tne lover's wedding suit from the tailor shop where it had just been completed. There's uot a symptom of war visible at Grand Kapids, but just the same Únele Saín has opeued a recruiting office in the seeond city. Williani Peter, Colutnbiaville's wealthiest citizen, will bore a hole deep down into the earth with the idea that there's hidden treasures beneath the town. A Grand Haven man bas been ronvicted of simple assault for shooting at his wife. Here's a case of chivalry in which both the court and the convicted seem to have participated. A Manistique man cleaned his revolver preparatory to getting married, and carried one hand in a sling when the ceremony was performed. He found out that the shootin' iron was loaded. An eighty-four acre park, right in the heart of the city, is a recent Detroit project. Should the same be carried out, it would require an expenditure of nearly $6,Ü00,0ÜÜ.