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At Old Trinity

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Trinity college is the largest, and has between 700 and 800 studente. I must write a word about the wife of the maater of Trinity - Mrs. Butler, formerly Miss Ramsey. You remember perhapa that three years ago there was so mnch excitement because she was senior classic. The qneen sent for her, and she was feted ererywhere. She was the daughter of Sir George Bamsey, of Scotland, a fine classical scholar, and soon afterward married Dr. Butler. But you can hardly know what this means till you know the posdtion of the master of Trinity. He is a king in Cambridge. He representa the hospitality of the whole university and has a salary commenBnrate to his duties. The qneen has a suite of apartments at Trinity. The Prince of Wales, the prime minister, f oreign embassadors - all are received by the master and his wife. You ask me about the college for women. It started in this way: About 1870 Miss Emily Davis, daughter of a Welsh clergyman, took a house at Doching, forty miles from Cambridge, and matronized a few young ladies. She asked the university to send up teachers for instruction. They did so. She started without funds, but today a magnificent building, with imposing architecture, called "Girton college," situated at Girton, half a mile from Cambridge, proves the success of her movement. Her motto is: "No doublé code. Same requirements for women as men, same studies, same


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