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Get to J. T. Jacobs & Co. 's store as soon as possible. They intend to make an extra effort to move goods during the next 30 days. An Ordlnance Authorlzlng the Ann Arbor Street Rallway (Jompany to Extend lts Rallway Lines Under the Provlslons of "An Ordlnance Relativo to Street Rallways," Adoptad Aug-ust 13, 1888, and the Amendments Thereto. The Common Council of the city of Ann Arbor ordains: Sbction 1. That the consent, permission and authority of the city of Ann Arbor is herebygivento the Ann Arbor Street Railway Company, it8uceessorsand assigns, to extend lts railway unes and opérate lts cara upon the streets and avenues hereinafter meutioned subject to and uuder the provisions of "An ordinance relat ive to streot railways;" adopted August 13lh, 1888, aud the amendments tnereto. Section 2. Said railway shall be extended, commeneiug at the intersection of State and William Streets; running: thence southerly along State street; to Monroe Street thence easterly nlorig Monrce Si r et to ïwelfth Street; thence southerly along Twelfth Street to Hill Street; thence easterly alouir Hill Street to the intersection of the present Une of railway on Washtenaw avenue. Also from the intersection of State and Monroe Streets along State street to the city limit. Also f rooi the present terminus of the railway on Detroit street over the railroad and Huron Rtver bridges, and along liroadway northerly to the city limits. Also from the intersection of William and State Streets, northerly along State Street to Huron Street; thence west on Huron Street to the city limits . Section 3. Said extensión shall be oommenced as early as practicable in the Spring of 1891, and completed and in operation on or before one year from the aioption of this ordlnance. Sectinn 4. Said Railway Company shall grant, to passengors desirinjf a cuntinuous ride, a transfer from one of lts lines to another at the intersections thereof, without extra charge. Tuis ordinance shall take immedlate effect. Passed in Common Council this 26th day of January, A. D. 1891, Jas. R. Bach, Approved January 31, 1891. City Clerk. C. H. MANLY, Mayor. The Press (NEW YORK) FOH 1891. DAILY. SUNDAY. WEEKLY. 6 pages, lc. 20 pages, 4c. 8 or 10 pages, 2c. The Aggressive Eepublican Journal Of the Metroüolis A HEWSPAPEH FOB THE MASSES Founded December Ist, 1887. Circulation over 100,000 copies ■nATT.y The Pkess is the organ of no faction; pulls do wlres; has no animosities to avenge. The most remarkable Newspaper Suceess in New York. The Press is a National Newspaper Cheap news, vulgar sensauons and trash flnd no place in the columns of The Press. Thk Press has the briKhtest Rditorial page in New York. It sparkles with pointe. The Pkess Sunday Edition is a splendid twenty page paper, covering every current topic of interest. The Pkess Weekly Edition contains all the good things of the Daily and Sunday editions. For those who cannot afford the Daily or are prevented by distance f rom early receiving it, The Weekly is a splendid substitute. AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM JChe Press has no superior in New York. THE PRESS. Within the reacli of all. The hest and cheapcst Newspaper puhlished in AmericaDaily and Sunday, one "I ear, $5.00 " " 6months, 2.50 " " ' one " 45 " only, one Tear, 3 OO " " fourmonths, 1.00 Sunday, one Year, 2.00 Weekly Press, one year, 1 .00 Send for The Press Circular. Samples free. Agenta wanted everywhere. Liberal commissions. Address, THE PRESS. Potter Building, 38 Park Row. New Yorfa. TRUCK i STORÁ&E. Now we are ready with a NEWBRICKSTOREHOUSE for the storage of household goods, pianos, books, stoves. etc . Moving of household goode and pianos carefully done. AU kinds of heavy and lightdraying. Freight work. C. E. GODFKEV, Residence and office 46 Fourth Avenue North. "Telephone 82._ D. W. AMSDE1V, - ÜKALER IN- FLOUR, FERD, COAL, AND ALL KINDS OF HARD AND SOFT W00D, BALED HAYANDSTRAW. Also Linseed Oil Meal an excellent f eed for stock. No. 33 East Huron Street, next to Firemen's Hall AGENTS 1 ENTIRELY WANTED I Tïi I NEW BOOK The most wonderful co'.lection of practical, real valué and every-day use for the people ever published on the globe. A marvel of money-eaving and money-earning for every oneowningit. Thousandsof beautiful.helpful ongraving8, showing justhowtodoeverything. No competition; nothing llke il in theuniverse, When you select that which is of true valué, sales are sure. All sincerely desiring paying employment and lookibg for something thoroughly flrst-class at an extraordinary low price, should write for descrlption and terms on the most remarkable achievement in bookmiikinif stnce the world began. 8CAMMELL& CO.. Box 5008 ST.LOUI8 or PHILADELPHIA.