. One of the Kansas legislators, it is s...

. One of the Kansas legislators, it is said, has not combed his hair in thirty years. It is a pity that a little hazing is not in order there so that the legislator might be treated to a close clip. The farmer members of the Indiana legislature are making an effort to reduce the salary of every county official in the state to $1,000 or less, and a big lobby has appeared at the capítol in oppositión. Barrett, the republican speaker of the Massachusetts House in a speech at Boston last Saturday, spoke out in meeting as follows: "We are split up as a party because we are not bringing to the front questions in which the people are interested; because we continue to stand on the issues that were popular.20 or 25 years ago, andaré making these old issues paramount. What we need to do is to encourage a spirit of debate within the party. Let us keep republicans within the party fold, allowing them to hold their individual opinions. To-day we have no party unity, no party ideas, and no party symmetry. If this is the state of affairs, and those who have watched the course of events in this country for the past few months must admit, that it is, why should any intelligent voter remain with a party which to-day has "no party ideas.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus