Dr. John W. Langley, of Pittsburg, is in the city. ' Mrs. Israel Hall gives a reception to-morrow evening. Mrs. Dr. Gibbes gave an afternoon reception yesterday. Dr. and Mrs. Herdman gave a reception Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holmes, of Manchester, spent the week in the city. Gottlob Luick attended the A. O. U. W. convention at Jackson, this week. Mrs. H. V. Winchell, of Minneapolis is visiting at her father's, Prof. Winchell. George Pray, of Eaton county, is visiting friends in Whitmore Lake for a few weeks. Stewart Millen, who has been detained here by illness, returned yesterday to Gambier, Ohio. Dr. Heneage Gibbes was in Albany, N. Y., this week and read a paper before the New York State Medical Society.