NEVER A FAILURE. The Red River Valley of Minnesota and North Dakota has never had a failure of crops. It produced 30,000,000 bushels of wheat besides other cereals in 1890. Farms can be had on the erop plan, or long time cash payments. It is not an uncommon thing to pay f or a farm frorn the proceeds of one erop. It has all of the advantages of an old country in the shape of school, church, market, postal Arailway faeilities, and all the chances of a new country in the way of cheap lands, rich soil, and increase in values. It is one of the most fertile and promising regions in America not yet fully occupied. In the rush to the far west, however, this rich valley has been over-looked. It has room for a million more people. Write to F. I. WHITNEY, St. Paul, Minn. for particulars. Publications sent free. EEP0ET OF THE C0NDITI0N OF THE MEÏÏ i MM HE - AT- AXS ARBOR, MICHIGAN, at the close of business, OctOBEB 2nd, 1S90 RESOURCES. Iins and discount s $21?, TOS 38 Stii ks, honda, mongage 8, etc 75,H 8 Over riifu ï,0"s 9R Dne f 'm bank in rtsivt cities 25.979 t Iliie from V aht. imwCo 17,6 o 61 H'lls in tr upii ü,!(18 7i Furniture and ÜX'Ures 3,0(0 00 Cunent expei' e und taxes paid 951 fli Inei st poid 1,19026 ('hecks nnd casli it-nis 625 19 Nickels and pennies 160 09 (iold 6.S38 4Ï Silver : l.'M7 4f ü. S. and Nati ral Bank notes 18,l;tt 00 Total $368,917 97 LIA. ILITIES. Capital Ktfick nill in $ S",000 00 Surplunfund 10,0 o -0 Uuriivideri ïimiits '.,041-20 omniercialáVp isitu 26", 224 17 S vil g ilcpi sit 41,797 S6 Dne i'i b:mks and i-imkers 847 74 Total $168,917 97 ST TIL OF ICHIGAN. j l'OWIHV Ol UKlltt-llH W. SSI, Fr lUiick II. H.l-.r, Ciishier cf tbe aliove niimtd bank do Mileumly swi ar that the bove latenif is tnie In tlie M'Rt of my know'.edge nd he iif. F H Bei.ser, Oashier, Sub c rit id xnd swurn to lii-fore mr ' liis el. vKnth day ofOctober, -) . Wsi. VV. Whkdon. N.itary Public. COKRECT- Attest : I'IIAS. E. GkEENE,) Jusius E. Beal, Directors. Kei ben Kbmpf, ) IRE INSURANCE. CHitISIIáN MACK, ■ ut lul lollowiu( ' lrl Cla 'ouipamea, rppresi-ntinji ov.-r twentv-biht Million Dollarj. Aise , i!=6ue8 policiet at 1 in 'f.wput rates Ktn of tiartfortl $9,192.644.(1(1 Kranklin of I'IiiIh 8,118.713.00 irermaníiof N. Y 2,7)Mi,729.wi iteiinaii-Americaiiof N.Y. 4,O(i.5,96h.(M) LuiidOD Assurnnce, Lond'n 1,41h.7kk.ik Michigan F. & M., Detroit 2H7.(i(iK.(K) N V. l;nderwriter8, N. Y. ü,SW,679.(iO iitionnl, Hartford I,774,6W.IHI Phenix, N.Y 8,759,(186.00 .-(iai ulenll'i'i' t( I vn 'M the inmranc jl fflüLüis, sciio-Ih. ctiuri'dea aud DOhlir UuilrlinifB 'ti Mir" -inii tlv.. ffpur; GEORGE W. MILLEN, WHO AS SPECIAL AGENT FOK THE NAIIQNAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, OESIRES TO SAY Thai ïhf National Life Insurance Company was iticorpor.ited by the Legislature of Vermom in 1848 lts exi-tence ptactically covers the whule hisiory of Lite Insurance in Ameiica, as the olde-t company wnite lts first pohcy in 183. Hon. Henry Clay, of Kentuckv ; Hon. Amos Abbott, of Ma-sachusetts; Hon Alex. Ramsey, 01 Pennsylvania were among the incorporators. Thai during the fort years of its successful experience, it has passed through the cholera epidemir of 1854, the financial panics of 1857 and 1873, as well a the ordeal of the Civil War. These were rijds when corporations and individuáis were tried to their utmost capacity. On every stde were failures, large and smal!, but the National came out with a record of solid pro-spenty, and not a se ir tii mark the financial disturbances ever lenown in this country lts policy contracts, therefore possess al) the security and pernanence that stability and successful experienee can guarantee. That it wrote in Michigan during the year 1888 L74.000. and during the year 1889 8752,000, which wa- tue largest per cent. of gains during said year by any c impany in Michigan. No company writes a more satisfactory policy, writing in the face of eacb policy three guarantees: First. - A paid up policy. Second - A cash urrender for each year aft er the thir 1. Thirü. - An extended insurance whicb provides lor all emergencies that may over take aiiyone betweeii youth and old age. Ovher facts nnd rime gladly (urnished b Hoorn I llamilton -rIT .,! m„oi, ixeo.w. Millen. H. KITRÉDGK, No. ö Wkst Ank Stkkkt. L1YEHY,HACK A,U BAGGAGE L1AE, In the rear of Edward I mffy '8 grocery store . Hack to all train, day and ntght. Orders for :raine, parties, weddinys and fimerale sromptly attonded to. Telephone, 108 AnD irbor Mioh.