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MUSICAL. There seems to be little going on in musical circles of late, but there is much talk, among musical people, of the marvelous cure of Miss B , the high contralto einger, who has long suffered from a severe throat or bronchial aflfection, superinduced by Catarrh in the Head, and who has been perfectly cured by the nse of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, coupled with the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. For all bronchial, throat and lung affections, and lingering coughs, it is an unequaled remedy. When complicated with Chronic Nasal Catarrh, its use should be coupled with the nse of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Of all druggists. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. T?OR SALE.- A new mileh cow. Cali at - 6-15 W! W. Boyle's. Webster DRAJTS on all European parts for sale by 4-i5 JAS. B. BACH, 16 Huron 8trectTICKETS for the Anchor Line of ocean steamers for sale by JAS. K. BACH, 16 Huron street. 5-15 FAHM FOR SALE OR RENT.- One hundred acres, north-weet of Ann Arbor. Euquire at Arods office. PAKTIES having property for sale should leave the same at BACH'S Real Estáte Agency, 16 Huron street. 5-15 FOR RENT.- Several flrst-class houses, Cali on J.R. BACH, 16 Huron street. 6-15 INSTJRE your property with JAS. R. BACH, 16 Huron street. Only first-elaes companpanies represented . 5-15 LOST- A real lace handkerchief on the eveninit of the 6th, probably on State street. Finder will please return to 42 Madison st. and receive reward. 13-17 TO RENT.- A good dairy and garden farm of about 50 acres, %. of a mile north of this city. Will rent cheap to a good tenant. Apply to J. S. Mann, 32 E. Huron street. 13-17 FOR SALE.- Young horse warranted good and sound to work doublé or single, weight 1,300, Apply to E. G. Bisbee, three miles northeast of Ann Arbor. 13-17 LADIES cali from 9 to 11 a. m., and from 2 to 5 p. m., for free trial of 'Blush of Boses," for beautii'ying the complexion. 13-23 Mrs A. M. AUSTIN, 4 ünity Block. FARMERS, ATTENTION- Japanese Buckwheat. I have eighteen bushels for sale for seeding purposes. Apply to E. C. Bartlett, Ann Arbor city. 11-15 DO YOU want a situat ion in Chicago or the west ? Writethe Employers' Associatien, Chioago, 111., stating what you can do. ANN ARBOR NUBSERY- Fruit and omamental trees. Peaeh and pear a specialty. Orape vines, berry plants, etc. Pnce low. Jaoob Ganznorn, head of Spring street. FOR RENT- Two commodious pleasant flats, with six rooms each in New Block on State street. Enquire at No. 18 South State street 86- tf. FOR SALE.- House in SeeoHd ward ; 2 houses on Whitmore Lake road, and 2 brick stores and frame buliding on North Main street. occupied respectively as grocery, saloon, and barber shop. Inquire of exeeutors of James Kitson estáte, 21 Geddes avenue. PIANO TUNEE.- We have secured Mr. T. C. Phelps, an expert piano tuner and repairer, to do our piano work. He comes to us mo3t highly recommended. Any orders left for him at our store will receive prompt and caref ui attention. Allmendinger Piano and Organ Co. FOK SALE.- Three and a half lots and house, No. 25 N. Ashley street. House ten rooms, cistern, water works, barn.all ingood repair. Lots sold separately ïf desired. Lower lots $250. Lot with house. A decided bargain. Enquire of F. J. Schleede, State st., or 25 N. Ashley st. AUCTION SALE-As I have made up my mind to discontinue farming on account of bad health I will sell at auction all my personal property on Monday, March 2, 1891, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. I also offer for sale my farm, if not sold I will rent. Any person wishing to buy should come and get particulars. Patrick Gibney, Northfleld. TONY SCHIAPPACASSE, NO. 5. N. MAIN STEET. PEUITS.INUTS and 00NTE0TI0NERY TOBACCOSAND CIGARS, Oysters and all kinds of fruit .A.Ij-W.A.-2'S OIÑT EC-IsriD. MANHOOD RESTORED. 33 L st WrittenGuaranteo w JWr cure a Nervous Dis(&MrjSy Memory, Loss of Brala SfTS1 Vakefulness, LoBtMan lAÁfter Use. Sï5S Photographed froin life. Geoer?.tlve Organs, In sim-MMKMmmGmaJ elther 6cx, caused by over-exertion, youthiul lDdescreUons, or the excesslve use of tobáceo, opium, or stimulauts, whlch ultlmately lead to Inflrmity, Consumptlon and Iasanity. Put up In convenlent form to carry in the vest pocket Prlce tl a package, or 6 for Ï5. With every 15 order we give a written guarantee to cure or refund the money. Sent by mail to any address. Circular free. Mentton this paper. Address, MADRID CHEMICAL C0„ Branch Offlce for U. S. A. 417 Denrhorn Street, CHICAGO, ILL. FOK SALE IN ANN ARBOR, MICH., BT Mann Bros., Drufrgiista, 39 South Main St. J. J. Goodjear's Drug Store, No. 5 South Main St. MARTIN & FISCHER. PROPBIETOBB Oï THE WESTERN BBEWEBY, ANN ARBOE, MICHBrewers of Pure Lager Beer.