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Drs. Fruth

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No Money Eequired of KespDiisible Parties to Oommsnce Treatment. Fortuerly of New Fork, now the eelebrated Examiniug Physicians and 8nrgeons of the Fruih Medidal and Surgical Institute, Chicag-o. 111., bv requat of many Friends and Patiënte, have decided to visit A JOT AJiB OJt. THUHSDAY, MAUCH 12, 1891 Consultation and Examination free and etrictly confidential in the private parlors of THE COOK HOUSE, ONE DAY ONLY. $& '' --B iHi:' . 1jS Bk D. O. FRUTH, A. C. FRUTH, Celebrated Surgreon. Examlning Physician. op the - Fru+h. Medical and S-orp-ioai Instítute.Permanently established and incorporated under the laws of the State of 111., with a capital stock of $100,000, for the scientific and successfull treatment of all forms of Chronic and Sexual Diseases, Catarrh, Asthma, Stomach, Kidneyi Bladder, Nervous and Special Diseases of Men and Women. Ably assisted by a full staff of eminent physicians and surgeons for every department of medicine and surgery. Female Diseases posltively cured by a Marriage. Married persons or young never failing rnethod. A home treatment 1 men contem platina marriage, aware of physitirely harmless and easily applied. Consultapotenekness, loss of procreative powers, imtion f ree and Strietly confldential. íly resy, orany other disqualitlcation, speedDr. Fruth after years of experience has "y restored. „a perfeoted the most intallible method ofcur... , , . ing Vital drain in Urine. Nocturnal losses, Epllepsy or Flts positively cured by Impaired Memory, Weak Back, Melancholy, our new and never tailing Hospital treatinent. Want of Enerffy, Premature decline of the _ ta „ 1. Pnïpii tljoífi tprrihle disorders arisKidney and Bladder Diseases, ?ít fíníois oractices of vouth MUrhHng Brigtat's Úlsease. Diabetes and kindred malaing irom ru"us,Pi , refideiínS marf lae dies treated and cures effected in thousands of happy lendenng marriagre eages tha( h&d been pronouuced beyond hopeyore'hUe SÍt.'yo'STS .Prívate Diseases-Biood Poison SyphXorírTo- 111ÍÍÍ11 itlip lust and are suftérinff all its lilis, Gouorrha'a, Gleet, Stncture, Hydrocele, effect? 5, bertha? í you obstínafely PerVar.cocele Loss of Sexual Power and all dissstin [proerastination, the time must come aeases 01 the Renito-urmary organs, when Dhvsloiana can render vou no assistance, and permanently cured. No nsks mcurred. w en th 1 door oí ; hope will be closed against Opnsuitatíon free and strictiy conüdontia wneninuuuui u "" " Medicine sent tree trom observatiou to all Ï áke one candid thought before it is too late. Parts of the Uuited Staies, A perfect restoration guaranteed. Catarrh Cured. Catarrhal affections of Young Men who throush ignorance or the nose, throat, lungs and stomach, bron. the carcless exuberance of youthful spirits, chitis, asthma, consumption and dyspepsia, have been unfortunate and flnd themselves successfully treated by the most recent and in danger of losing their health and embitterscientiflc methods which a vast hospital exing their alter lives may, before idiocy, inperiencehas provedworthy ot confldence. We sanity, falling flts or total impotency results, jesire no better proof of suecess than the cali with full coufldence. testimoniáis on file at the instltute, of tliouPiles Cured without pain, knife or sands of helpless cases that we have restored cautery. to health and happiness. Free Examinatlon of the Urine, Each person applying for medical treatment should send or bring an ounce of their urine, which will reccive a caref ui Chemical and micro■■■'■■ ■■ piigPifl Perfected in old cases which have been neglected or unskillfully treated WUHUfaftiUll wUftfaÜ No experimente or f allures. Parties treated by mail and express, but wljere possibie, personal consultation is preferred. Curable cases guaranteed. ÖCases and correspondence confldential. Treatment sent C. Ö. D. to any part of the U. S. LiBt of 130 questions free, Addres with postage, DR. D. O. FRUTH, 89 East Madison Street Chicago, 111.


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