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W. L. Marquardt is in Jackson S. S. Blilz is improving in healt rapidly. Major Soule has been in Lansing this week. Editor Suekey went to Jackson Wednesday, on business. Myron H. French, of West Branch ' was in the city this week. Mrs. Hyde, of División Street was in Detroit Wednesday and yester day. Mrs. John J. Robison is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Eaman, in De troit. Mrs. H. N. Chute has been callee to Toronto, by the illness of he father. Sylvester Gaunt, of Chicago, was in the city a few days visiting friends. C. G. Liddell, of the Península Soap Co., is making a business trip through Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shaffer left Wednesday to attend the funeral of a brother, who died in Sandusky, Ohio. Mayor Manly attended a meeting of the board of managers of the soldiers' home in Grand Rapids, this week. John I. Thompson, of St. Paul Minnesota, county clerk of Washtenaw in the sixties, was in the city, Tuesday. Supervisor Thos. Burlingame and Justice Fred Braun, of Ann Arbor town, went to Lansing, Wednesday, to fight the city charter jamendments.