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A Great Event Tn one's lifc is the discovery of a remedy for some long-standing malady. The poison of Scrofula is in your blood. You inherited it írom your ancestors. Will you transmit it to your offsprlng ? In' the great majority tí cíises, both Gonsumption and Catarrli origínate i Scrofula. It is supposed to be the primary sou'rce of many other derangements of the body. Begin at once to eleanse your blood witli the standard alterative, Ayer's Sarsaparilla " For several months I was troubled with scrofulons eruptions over the whole body. My appetite was bad, and ray system so prostrated that I was unable to work. After trying several remedies in vain, I resolved to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. and did so with such good effect thatless thau one bottle Resiored My Health and strength. The rapidity of the cure astonished me, as I expected the process to be long and tedious." - Frederico Mariz Fernandes, Villa Nova de Gaya, Portugal. "For many years I was a sufferer from scrofula, until about three years ago, when I began the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, since which the disease has entirely disappeared. A little child of mine, who was troubled with the same complaint, lias also been eured by this medicine."- H. Brandt, Avoca, Nebr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. 8oldbyDruggiet8. $l,six$5. ■WTorth$óaboUle. HÁNGSTERFERS Frene! ïland-Mado BON BONS 25c Box. Put up in 1 Ib. Fancy Boxes. solp eVeryWKere At 40c and 50c. MADE E VER Y DAY. 28 South Main Street. tóe.No more lili WËËË Rubber Shoes tmles3 wora uncomfortably tïght generaLy sllp o" tlis fuct. THE '-COLCHESTER" RfBBEK CO. make all thelr p)ioes witn msuio of heel lincd ivirh nibber. This eliu's to Uie sl'.oo and ijrevcuts Uiti rubber trom slipping oLE Cali 'ir tho ■CoIctjestOT" "ADHESilVEi COUKTERO." roa sale by Wm. Allaby. John Burg, Doty & Feiner L. Gruner, W. Reinliardt & Co., A. D. Seyler & Son, J3ST2ST AEBOE) MICH. FORT WAYNE 01 Cate li! Oil Extracted by Pressure. Superior to any other. besi m m_mi SALT. TTTMP 9 ATT Fr CatÜe and LUMP SALÍ Horses. Saginawand Fine Barrel Salt Byracuse. . ♦ Diamond Fne Dai galt Crystal. J FOR SALE AT Rogers' - Agricultural - Warehouse 27 Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mioh. WANTEü- An industrious ana températe man to take charge and work a Bmall farm, on shares or for money rent. I wlll furnish the use of onehorae and farmlng implements. Enquire at this office. 51-85.