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Death & Co.

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VHOLESALE ANI) RETAILdealers kí spirits, - take this opportunity ofinforming their friendsand adisccrnïng public, that they continue the trade ül making drunkards, bankrupts, beggars, maniacs, blacklegs and crimináis, on the most reasonablc lerms, and at the shortest notice. Díjath &, Co. beg leave to assure the public that the arlicie in which they deal is the most ileasant poison n the world, and has never been known to fail in a single instance where the individual has PERSEVERED in its use according io the dircctions, during the liniited time which Dealh S Co. prescribe. In order to do business in the most respectable style, the advertisershave obtained licenso from tho State, under whose benevülent auspice3 they are legally authorized to bring the wives and families of their customers to MISERY, and to wuu.m), maim, beggar, drive to deliriuji and DEAïir as many as "the public good requires."For the accommoditïion of iheir numorous custoiners, and the desputch of their increasing business, Death & Co. have appointed a sufficiontiy lare nutnber of ACTIVE AGENTS, who wijl hè stationed at convenient distances in ihe'strects oí eities and villages, and along the highways, cross ways, and every country district. Death &. Co.'s agents ma y be known by the sign Entertainment, Refreshment, Victualling and Lodging, Hotel, &c, fcc , and may be found ready fur businesá at all hours, by day or night, (Sundays not e. cepted.) ■ All Merchants, Tavern Keepers, Grocers, Apothecaries, Victuallers, and any interested, will find it very profiiable and lucrative business. We particularly reqiiest that GAMBLERS, BLACKLEGS, SWINDLERS, DEBAUCEIEES,and iromoteksof vicEof evcry descriptiotijwould continue to furnish us with their aid, as we consider our traflic very essential to their respective occupations. Satisfactory reference can be givcn to alnis houses, hospitals, bridcwells, lunatic asylums, jnils, state prison?, the gullows, or the drunUard's firesid. N. B. - Death & Co. beg leave to caution all their fnends frora giving heed to wliat preachers, and medical men, and all advocates .of total abstinence, or Temperance Societies, may say against spirit- drinking, as these gentlemen are avowed enemies toihis respectable life and healih destroying business