
Munday JüLY 5. Büth IIou8e3 were occii[)icfl last weck wilh heavy debales. - In the Senate Ihe bank bül was discussed and made slow progress. The bilà repcul ing the Sub.Treasury still lingera in the hands of the coinrnittec of the House. In the House, the whole week has been occopiöd with debates on thu bül for distributing unong the States the net proceeds fÃlè public landa. At the end of the week, not a single vote had been taken, nor a single amendment acted upon. Jmv 6. Ãn the Senate the bil!, tocstnbblisli a Fiscal Agent was disensscd. Mr. Rives' aaiondmentpropro.singes ol the proposed bank sim II net be cstablished in nuy Sia;ea without ihe assen t of ihose staies, was opposed by Messrs. Berrien and Dixon and supported by Messrs Merrick, Premissend Bate9 of Massachu setts and was lost by a strong vote, ayes 10, uoes 3S. The opposiiion Senators ex cepl Walker voied against ihe arnend ment. In the ÃIoiHe, the üistribution and Preoinpiion b;!i waa takfin up n conimitiee cf ihe w hole, and al'ier dicussipn was passcu' by a vote uf 117 to 103. Tlie 13i!l was th'en reported to the House, and by the tielp oliheprevious quealion was passed, yeas 11C- nays 108. It will probably pass the Senaie without dillicalty.