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"we Will Dissolve The Union."

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-Thisterrific cry, which heretofore has operated like a charm upon the Northern member3 of Congress, seems to have lost much of il8 efficacy. Not a few of the Eastern papers treat it with the contempt it deserves. A writer in the Spectator, comparea these portentious menaces "to the redoubtable raw head and bloody bones ofa vixen nurse, by which she frightens into obedience her naughty childrcn ! Agaiohesays, "the same menacing notes have been bellowed forth by McDuffie, Clay, Calhoun, Preston und others, who like the bulla of Bashan," have made the smaller cattle tremble; and the response has been echoed back, from Atherton and his compeers of the same species, in notes as sonorous and musical as those which, fablesays, issue from the agent used by thelion to arouso his prey." Ho represente the Southerners as throwing out their idle threats with as little sineerity as the mother tells her froward child,"lü skin you alive ifjou do this or do thai ! The Southern politicians are too sharp eighted to intend the execution of thoir threats. jWbo would thea caich their fugitive slaves fur llism, along the border line of the free States, éxtedding twelve or fifteen hundred miles? Who would band them over the line into elavery again? Who would help keep the slaves in subjection? They would runaway by ihousands ihe momen the Union should ' be divided, and a separate governmentj established over the slaveholding and freej States. i(gr 1 hc Queen ot JPortugul, ima signified, through her minister in London, her gracious acceptance of the addrees of the World's Convention, and she assures the Convention thal "she will still cuntinue to opérate effectually for the total extinction of that criminal traffic, which scourges humanity, and is so revolting to the benign heait of her Majesty." The toramunication is directcd "to the illustrious Thomas Clarkson, President of the Anti Slavery Convcntion,held in London' It will be recollected that n few weeks since, President Tyler receivd a commnnication fromthc committce of the British andForcign Anti-Slavcry Society, bearing ibe signature of Ciarkson, for which he made no acknowledgment whatever. He certainly falls behind the dignitaries of the Old World in point of politeness. It will be seen by the report of the Mississippi case, which we extract from the Emancipator, that ihe Judgcs of ihe Supreme j court, have given their opinión, that slavery is a local institution, and that congress has no power to prohibit the traffic in' slaves between the several States. The' consequences which may legitimatelyj grow out of the whole decisión of the Su- preme coart, are discuösed in an article in; another column, by a correspondent who! has paid particular attéution to the con-; slitutional hearings of the Anli-Slavery' cause.OírKnowledge tmvels lusl iu this age of the world. GurneyV lellers to Henry Clay on West India emancipation, of which we published a nolice a few weeks since, aro now in circulation in Amsterdam, in Holland, among the proprietors of West India estates. Petitions for emancipation have already been presented to the StatesGeneral, and also to the King. This work, not being considered at tho South nn incendiary production, has obtained a a considerable circulation among the slaveholders. G3"The Presbytery of Athens, Ohio, May 7, passed a resolution, declaring tliat the sin of slaveholding should be treated es any other sin, and that the Presbytery will not receive under is care, for the purpose of licensure, any person known tobeguilty of this sin, without satisfactory evidence of his having repented of it, and the sessiop.s of th several churches ere requested lo act on the same principies.fóPrenident Tylcr sent to the House of ftepresenlatives, July l,a petition of 3000 tizens of New York, for a Bankrupt law, wUh a message recomtnending the grantingoftheir petition. It is said that this is the first nstance in the history of our Government, wbere a petition from citiens to Congress hus been transmitted ihrougb theExecutive. The Boston and Providence liail Road Company have reduced tariff of ireght, about one half, and the result has oeeo a graat increase in the business and e aenpjrdhs of theroad.