Classified Ads

CLAIMS AGAINST THE COUNTY. f Hl HE ANNUAL MEETING of tlie (L Board of County Commiseioners foi the County of Woshtenaw, will ba held at ihe Clerk's Office, on the first Monday of Octobrr nex, for the purpose of Bdjusting all claims against the Couoty . AJI persons havingr ruch claims are req.uested (o present thom on or bbfore that day at the Cler'ks Ufiice in Ann Arbür. Proof by affi dait or otherwisc, that services have been rendered, will bo required. Claims not presented at that meeting will necessarily bO postponed nnotheryear. By order of the Board. U. C. GOODALE, Clerk. Ann Arbor, Sept. 1. 1841. 19- wr ÃiikBhmkÃTTiÃÃanhs ! ! ! JÃST PRINTED, on fine paper and in a superior style, a large ussort, ment of blank summons, subpctina9, Exevutions, ÃAC. - For sale at this office. Ann Arbor, May 12, lCil. Pioducc of evcry Pescriirtion, RECEIVED in psyment for Job work, Advertieing and Subscriptons to the "Signal of Liberty," if delirered at th OIHce, immediately over the 8t)re of J. Beckley, k Co. pri 26. BLANKS of every descriptio neatl executed at tliis office .