A Piratical Attorney

F. H. Pottis,Counsellor at Law, 410 Broadway, N. Y., has advertised himself extenaively in the Southern papers' as a helper to those patriarchs whose human property may stray lhrough that place. He assures the Soulhern gentlemen that there will be no need of their immediate personal preseuce at the North, but a leltur ditected to him describwg minutely the appearance of the slave, and enclosing ten or twenty dollars will usually answer the intended purpose. He eays he shall always take both pride and pleasure in endeavoring to proraote the nterests of his'Southern fellow citizens, 'by striving to restore to them their lost catlle, whether it be in the shape of negroes, hors ses, sheep or any othej such pfoperty." - The gentleman appears to bo we II quahfiud for his business, He was recently held to bail in New York for assaulting a colored man, and in a publishcd letter, hedenies that he beat him, but expresses regret that he "did not flog him to the extent of the law of Mosts, and thereby have saved him from the punishment which awaits him both here and hereafter, for the high crime of false swearing. His brethren of the Bar, in New York, have certainly great reason to be proud of him and of his employment.Ex-Governor Everett, in 1839, answcred to following inquines which were addressed to him before ihe election, most fully in tho affirmative. "lat. Are you in favor of the immediate abolition, by law, of slavery in the District of Columbia, and of the slave traffic between the States of this nation? 2d. Are you opposed to the admission into the union of any new State, the conslitulion and government of which tolérate domestic slavery." Yet 8ome of the Whig papers aasert that he is do more of an abolitionist than all the prominent public men of the North. Wo are glad to hear it. On the points above mentioned, it is plam that Mr. Everett is as much of an aboliiionisl as Arthur Tappan or Garrison, unless he is a liar. We shall see what course the South and the North will take in this case, and what precedent will be establishod for the future. (UHon. Thomas Morris has written an able letter to the deraocrats of Ohio, in which he discusses slavery and baivking institutions, and considers them the groatest evils in the nation. He announces to them his own intention of voting for no man who does not net against slavery, and advist-s them to use their power, in procuring tho repeal of the laws abridging the right9 of the colored population, and thereby they will bnng back to their ranks thousands who cannot otherwise go with them. &?The general Baükrupt law does not go into operatior. till FeU. 1, which will be two months after the commencement of the next session. Many euppose that the Law will be overhauled, and perhaps repealed, beforo the time shall have arrived for it to be in force, and that this was the reason why its operation was deferred so long. If it be a measure of relief, the public ejcigencies demand the benefit of its provisions immediately. The great Sunday ftlail beween New York and Boston has been recently suspended by the Post Office department, cliiefly on account of the great increase of expense attending its transportation on that day. - But very little complaint has been heard. 05=The Yellow Fever bas preyailed this season extensively in Florida, and in Cuba. At Havanna, it ie dcadly. .