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For The Signal Of Liberty

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Letter to the Editor
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i lie íiencls of nberty ut the üoutities ot Ci.sSaud Van Buren assembled agreeable toprevious a mire, in the Cmirt-house, in ihe vilirige oí Cassopolis, onTuesday the l'2ili inst., lor '.he puipuse uf nomuiuting íepiescniaiives to the State Legislnturc, and alsoa Coimnissioner fur Cass county. The meeting was organizad with the usuil fpfmafilièa. Prayer was offereil hy the chair Rev. Luther Humplirey. The object of the meeting was stated by Mr. ülmMed. On motibn, resolved tlmt a torn rniitce of five be appointed lo prepare resolutions expressive of the seuöe of ihe rnëeiing. Öuch committce being nppointeci,afier a recess of ten minutes reportud the fóHpwing preamble and resolutions, which after dicussioria upon each, were unanimously adopted. VVhereap, American Slavery is not only the greatesi moral, buttho greatest politica) evi! in our landj and whereas much of üie immiirality, crime and pecuniary dis- tres?, the nio'is and lynchings which have laken place in our cöunfry may le traced by mütiy channels directly to slavery ;and whercos the slave power has lung rule.l, and sliil rules in our national councils,and is exerürrg a most ba le ful i.ifluencc over the eniire Unifcd States in many as, thercfore, Resolved, That it is ihe duty nnd the privilege of every American eilizen. who believes in the truth of the declaration of our Independence to use all suitable nioral and poluicul means for the removal oí these evils.Resolved, t That as the grent Ruler of iho universe alone, can bless ihe rneans which may be used to reinuve these evils, iherefore U is the duty of every chrisiian privntuy, publicly socially to pray for the rèmuVul them. RüMjIved, That política! oclion at the ballol box is a very important means oí removing the curse of slavery, anl that this shnuld bear the sway in votiny above every otlier possible polttical coiisideralion ' Resolved, That there is great occasion to rcjoice that consistent political action uponthie subject is sotnucli inercasing in different parts of our country. Resolved, That however few the nam ber of Abolitionists rr.ay be in any place therc is no good reason that they 6hould wilhhold their votes from the Liberty ticket whethcr for State Caunty or Ton office rs. Resolved, That consistent nholition votes are never thrown away,but will exeit a salutary nfluence upon ihe surrounding communiiy al(h ugh the aboütion can didatcs may not be elecied to office. Resolved, That it s the duty ofevery one toread the Anti-Slavery publicalions oí ihe day n order that their minds may Ie enhghtened upon thisgreat'd Inié Convention recommends ihe Signal of Lilierty, the Philanthropist and other kindrcd papers, us imparting the needed instrui t on. Resul vcd, That we do most highly disiipprove and seriously deprécate all niob violence against the frccdom of speech and of ihe press. Resolved, That Congress hns no consiiiutional riht whatever to rcject peti'ioiiá (Vom the ciiizens of ihe U. S. upon any subject, t,r (o muke rulos to luy thein on ;hetal)le without any acüon. Resolved, Thai it is the duty of abolitionisla tu continue to pnur upon Couiiress peiitionsupon ihe subject of slavery 'until they will receive and act upon ihe'm. Resolved, Thai we highly approve the no'rninatiori of James G. Birney lr President of the U. S., and of Thomas Morris tor Vice President; and also the hominalion of J. S. us üovernorof ihit-Stute Jtid Nathan Power U-.r Lieut. Governor, aml John C. Morsll as S nator for thiá District. Resolved, That wo will use o;ir itifluonceto curry out the principies of trie declarntton ofrights mate public in sevenlecn iiundred and seventy six. O;i inotion, Resolvcjc!, That the CunvcmLn ;,oced to the nomination üf ofiicers The tlelegates from Van Buren presented the n-inic ol Philetus Hayden as tho choice of the fiiends tn uhat 'cousity in which tlic Canvenriön tonerrcd. Tlie Cotivention next made choice of Sylvestor Olmstcd, a resident of Cass as the oí her enndidaie lur Reprcsentutivc and W. S. Elliott for Corntniioner. On mot ion,Kcsolvcíi, lhnt we hM two cunty rneetípgs beforc eleclion for the purpoae óf rfiscussing tlic subject o{' poliiicul uction; ippointed une ut Edwnirdeblirgh on the 3r anilat Cassopolis oa the 4ih Tuesday of the present month. On niotion, Resolved, Thnt Luiher ííiimphrey, M. Cxifinb and W. S. Elüolt, be a corresj.ondinjr coi;mittec í'or Cass counly. Ün m-jlion, Resolved, Thai the proreedini: ofthi? mueting be sent to ihe 4S:gial oï Liberty,' wiili i req-iest ür pubíic.iiion.