All The Decency
- The following isrom the new xork Jcjra. l nis üonorale Mr. Stanley is a brother of ihe notorius swindler and thief, who' figured so onspicuously at the head of the ton, in condón, a few months since. 'The Honorable Mr. Stanley, a whig member of Congress from Nortli Carolina, made the following most. abominable ssertion, while denouncing Proffit of Inian, forkicking out of the parly traces: "It was a hard thing to die at any time, and go no man could teil where; lut he vould rather undergo, so help him God, he tortures of the damned, than be a whig and support the interesls of kis adversarie8." It is not difïiciilt to predict the fate of a arty wiÃh such a leader. No wonder hat the frowns of Providence liave coninually overshadowed its progress.The Euiancigator, Oct. 21, brings the folowing intelligence. We give Mr. Birney our cordial welcorae to his new home in the West. Mr. Birney. - Our friend, Mr. Birney, is about becoming a citizen of the State of Michigan . He wishes us to state for the information of his correepondents that his post-office address after t his month wil! be Snginaw, Michigan. It will be proper to malee the corresponding change m the Liberty nutional ticket, lt novv stand s - FOK PRÃSIDENT. JAMES G. BIRNEY, of Michigan. FOR VICE PRK8IDENT THOMAS MORRIS, of Ohio. "Westward, the star of empire takes its way."