-The Liboriy vote in L3 coiinfies.nmounfs to 2002. A'Urgp. Liberty vote was ven in Ashtabula: but the particulars have not been received. (tpDo not'faiJ to read the extracta from Mr. GiddinLs.ad(]resB on the first page, and remember ihat Mr. G. has been a memher Congress fot several years, and has had an opportunity of knowing those facta whereol he testifies. The Emancipator is oflrVred for one dollar during the Session of Conress, whether it doses in May or September. It wil! contain full reports of those Congressional proceeding8 which affect the cause of emancipation and free 'abor. We hope many of the friends in our State will avail them 3elves of the offer. The Editor expects to ae at Washington most of the Session.The Detroit Advertiser, Nov. 4, has the following frotn a correspondent in this county: "The Abolitionists injured us, algo, much - the abolition vote ia th9 county being composed almost entirely of Whiga."