Proper Sentiments.

-The Mayorof the Southern cities fuiïow a tall business chasing after every ignornnt boatman wh ia simple enough to believe in the natural tights of all men. Witnes3 the fullowtng: An abol ilion bontman was heard to promulgóte sentiments not altogcther proper at the Vicksburg landing. Tho Muyor anrl officers went in pursuii, buU3 soonas the boaUnnn discpvered the officers appronch his boat, he antioipated their errand, cut his hawser, and floaled down the river. The Mayor sent a description of him nnd his boat by the Norman , apprising the Mayors of Grand Gulf, Nutchez, fcc, of the character of the incenditiry.
American Slavery
Old News
Signal of Liberty