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Poetry: Parody On "Auld Lang Syne"

Poetry: Parody On "Auld Lang Syne" image
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Let drinking ruui now be forgot, And never brought to mind; Let drinking rum now be forgot, And eider, beer, and wine. Por rum and beer we pay full dear, With rosy nose and eyes; We'll take a glaes of water now, For suro we're growrag wisa. Now we cao sing- The god of wine Shall conquer ns no more; We'll wheel about and victory shout, Theconquest now is o'er. And" we would hurí this poison far, Thatdesolates our cliine, IVa would engage, chrislianand sage, To banish beer and wine. Nor ground your arms, my trusty friends, For caution euro isright; Tour vigils keep, nor think to sleep, But watchboth dty and night. For thougli we now have signad tho pte dge, And victory seetns ours, Yet Borne may try the ranka to fly, Andjoin opposing powers Let Arnorld's fame e'er mark the name Oi him who qnits liis post; But those who stand with sword ín hand, We sure sha II honor most .