Pcliikms ia rich abunduncc aro poaripg nlo Congres?, anti noiwithsjanding thti "gag," are producing their ciTocts, Soatheru raen, after all, are aiarmed, lo sce he "cnlombed philanhropy of the nation deposited and oa conipound iniercsi." - Thcy fear that it will ultima tely speak n ihunder tones as no doubt it will, lo their etcrnal astonishment and disgrace. "Abolitionis2i. - Tt is staied Ãn sorne ofiho Norlhern papers, Ibtit the nbuiiiion s's liuve petilions in tlieir possessinn.sign, ed by five bundrcd lliousarid legal vole.'á, whijh ihey intern! to present d uring tho iresent sfission of Congress. The Wash ngton Correspondent of the Bütimore Reublican 6Uites that "Adams and Slade ire in high spirits, and wailing only lor an opportunity to broach the sul'jeci, having their roporters on tho floor, two ináuenliul and able abolition leaders, one, Joshua Leavitt, ostensibly for the Emancipator, and the llev. Charles h, Leroy, engaged for the Evangelisi.v - These facts should arousc the whole Suinh ern peoplc to prompt and energetic aciion, The march of fanaticism in the non sla veholding State?, we fear, is onwnrd.