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Statistics of Ignorance

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The foilowiagf table, frorn the census of 1840, is very instructive. It shows the vat atnount of igaorance yet remaining in our country araong the white population- to Bay pothing of 3,000,000 ofcolored paoplo. Obserirehovr regularly the New England States cali off at the head oftbe list, Connecticut leadiog the van. A larga share of the ignorant ones aro doubtless foreigners. And tben as we pfogress South, what a maas of untutored intellect presenta itself! A correspondent writes: "Publish these etatistics in the Signl, that we dough faces of Che North may know, on the best authority, how raany of our maeters of the South know how to mdito their own names. - Would you believe it- Virginia - "Mother of States" - poor oíd effote Virginia, has one out f every 12 that cannot write his narao. So has Mr. Ctlhoun'B State- se has wSrkansas: Tennesee has one in every 11. Poor North Carolina that senda to Congres the little waep, Stanley, ha one in every 9.- Now is not tilia a pretty stalo of the cuse? We talk much of the benefits and advantagca of education - of the precedonco it ought to bestow on ite posseesor6 - but we belie it all . We put lito tall in the lead, and the head behindt the knighls of the cowskin over tbe knights of the pen!" Ntimber of VVhitca oyer 20 who cannot read or wrile. Connecticut, 523 bcing 1 in 574. Maine, 3241 154 Vermont, 2270 128 New Hftrapshire, 927 107 Mussachusetts, 4448 104 Michigan, 2173 97 Rhodelslard, 1600 66 New Jeráey, 6385 55 Nqw York, 44,452 49 Pennsylvania, 33,940 49 Ohio, 35,394 42 Louisiana, 4861 32 Maryland, 11,695 27 Aííssi88ppi, 8,360 Si Indiana, 38,100 18 Illinois. 27,502 17 Missouri, 19,457 17 Alabama, 22,592 15 Georgia, 80,717 13 Kentucky, 45,018 13" Virginia, 58,732 12 South Curoltna,20,615 12 Arkansas, 6,567 12 Deleware, 4,832 q 12 Tennessee, 58,531 11 Norlh Corolina.56,609 9 584,547