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For The Signal Of Liberty

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Letter to the Editor
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Sylvan, Murch 12, 1842 Mes?K3 EniTORo: - Tlic Liberiy Party met at Uie houso ot' Thomns G. Dayisaèd choso ;i Chairnaan find Secr.eMuy. nid mnde uominations for Oílicers lo be supportcd at the April Town Eiections. E. D. Tryon, Amos W. Davi?, Hcirace A. Smith, Jeremiah Thomns und Hornee II. Hol- comb wore appointed a comtnittco of Vigilance to use rneastires to secure the election of iheir Ticket, and óbtain subscribers for the Signal of Liberty. Voted, tlmt the proceedings of ihÍH meeting be published in ihe Sinal. Yurs trulv.THOMAS G. DAVIS. SYLVAN NOMINATlON. LIBERTY TICKET. FUPEKVÍOIt. ; JOHN 13. VVIIEELER. TOWN CLEUK. JOHN C. WINANS. TOWN TKEASUREK. THOMAS G. DA VIS. JüoTICE K T1IE l'EACE. IIOÍ1ACE A. SMITII. fCHOOL IN.-1'KCT.'K3. HORACE A. SMITII, JA RED WARNER, JOÍIN A PARKS. niCÜIWAY C'iMMISI ÏRI18. RODOLPIIUSTRYON, HORACE II. ÏIOLCO3IC, ORLÖ U. FENN. CirKR?EERS OF TIIK l'OOK. IRA SPAULD1NG, Sen. EÜMUNDL1.. CONKLIN. CONSTABLES. EDWIN D. 'I'RYON, IRA SPAULülNG,Jr.From the Friend of Man. The South are askiñg us for ihe Addresö to Slaves! Reud the following letter from Tennessee: Joneïbouü, Tknn, Feb. 9ih, 1842. Mr. Editor: Dear Sir: Iti looking over your valuable paper of recent date, I see ihut our abolitioo friends of New York have put furth un address to the slavca ui the South; and bcini a slrong friend to ihe causo myself, i vvisli you lo send a few copies of it lo tiiis place. I ntn much p'.étt 6cd wilh the movemcots oí our abolnion fiiends in our Siate. The PeopÍb, wilh a fow exception?, ii this country, are wilh you, and you hav our best wishes for your success in th good cause. We held a meeting, a shör linde since, in this place, which was niiaiei ouly attendud by sorpe of our m;wt wortiiy cï) izeos. The principal speakers were the Hon. Jacob Nicholas, Ilenry Blair Eq., Isaac Gammon E:=q., J?eph Cliin, Buckus Cheslcr Eq-, and the Itov. Ar. Jeífrey, a very talented and eloquent speaker, alsu, Rev. Ric!)ard Luckcy and Rov. Mr. WarI ner. There was considerable fecling i tnanifested on the occasion. It-ïa quite a ! rievv thing ín this couniry, and the people are beginning 10 get iheir eyes opened, and 10 bee thinss in their tiue liftht.You are ut lihorly to publisii the ubovc, and du uot oom tbo speakers' namen, as mny of ihem nrc infiuciilial men, and iurinerly slavcholiiurs. Jt will, n all probability, cause mnny others to come uver tü üur 'sido óf the questiun. I ihink 1 procuro scveral subscrilieis fo.c jour paper, at our n.:xt roceiing, which wijl be held at Gü'ard Vnlloy, ibe 5ih of Mirch, 1842. Very rcspectfuily, &c.