Mr. Giddings

-On the last page will befound an intereeting article icspecling this gentleman. The resolutioBs ATr. GÃddings presentad were drawn with care, and il is said tlir-l previous to Ukit presentation,.they passed uniler the oye of some of the most distinguishfed meivat Washington. Tuis was the first time the Creóle case had come up ir. the House,, whilo it had come befare tho Senate fivc times. HÃb object in withdrawing the resoludons. was to avoid their cundemnation by the House without debate, undcr the operalion of the prcviouR quesüon. The views of Mr. Giddings, as (aras they are known, correppond in every respect, with the principies of ihe Liberty party. His experience in public afFairs, his general piobity oà cbaracler, uniled with inflexible firnines8, seem to point him out as their feorless and succepeful defendf.r. It is the general impression that he will be immcdiately reLelected, and sent back to Washington. At Khe last election, his mojority was 5000. - [The vote to censure Mr. G. is uummetl up a the Liberato r as foll.nvs: fehigs) 7; do (democrats)38.' (whiga,) 3C; áo. (democrats,) â fel 125. Not tocen. me,) 53; do. (demoRg&) 2; do. (demW Total G9. 5cntaüve vctud, as he shouIJ do, with the 09. nher 47 whigs and 73 Democrats Hembt-r of Ibe House for Wnotn them, without hearin his defence. How long be jhall hcar that democracy holds to Rt liberty," and that the Whig lthe special defender of iherijjhls HN.orth?The spring elections in ibis county have resulted favorably lo the whigs. They clected their ticket in thirteen oui of twenty LO A'DB. 07-TIio last FriencJ of Man contains a pledge-eigned by sixty ihree citizens of Utica that they " cannot, dare not, WILL NOT talie up arois, under any cicuüistan cee, to 'enforce uDrighteoua laws, especially 6uch laws as are designed to keep the alave in bondage."