
In tue IIouf March 23, pet,ion9 were the order of the day. Among others was one from Virginia, eigned by 40 freemen, in favor of the unlimited rightof petition,condemuing the course of Mr. WiSeand Marshall in refercnce to Mr. Adams and praying ihat Mr. A. might be reprehended for the use of violent and rtproachlanguage. This petitiun was not a mK nor a joke. The Sou'herners looked quitesober upön il, and laid the question of t8 receplion-on the feble with all expèdition. A petitiou from Kcntucky wos presentted for a retaliatory[tarifFin favor of tobáceo;, and another from Virginia for a proteclive tariÃTon ron -one from New Yfitk, praying Cong.ess to assume and pay thj repudialed debÃa oà Mississip, i- and one fey-Mr. Fillmore $r a dimiu.ition of the pay of members of Congrcsa. The dy nfier the censure passed upon, ütdding?, ihe House speniihree and a half hours in regulming the Journal tpUiek minds. borne members witied to mako ihe journal show that Mr. G. had been alluwt-d a chanco Ão defend himself if he. would. The Northern inemhers weremuch more excited than thcy were in thecase of Mr. Adam3. President Tyler sent a message to tho llou?e reeommendinga repe:il oftie Land Distribution law, and the increaso of thearifTabove the Compromise law, áf ihB intiispensable means of meeting the demancls upon thB public treasury. 'i'he House passed the loan bilà by a vote oà 185 yeas lo 80 nays. Ãt provides for nn extensión of the loan of last year, and for an additional loan of five milhons' all redcemable in a tenn not excecdimr twcniy year8. Mr. Evcrelt, of Vermont, moved ihat 00G0, copies of so much of ihe Journul of ihe House as relatad toMr. Giddiug'scase be pubILshed. The molion was votcd down by the same nien who voted to censure Mr. Gidding. The iVhig membersfrom the free States contémplate ndopiind ix protest against the proceedings in thar case. One or lvo meetings have beea cilled lo lake the matter into considera,tjon.