Foreign News

EifGLANr.-Tlie prospects of business are di?nial in the extreme. A reinforcement of 10,000 troops was gowing fonvard front India to Ciiina, tvith a number of heavy guns. Il was reporfed tho first grand movernent by Sir Henry Poltinger would be nainst Pekin. A reinforcement of 5,000 trops uere to cmbark froiu England lor India without delay. Iti the llouso vf Commons, after a debate of five days, Mr. Villiers motion to abciish ali the duties on the import of grain was rejocted by a vote of 90 to i 93. Tè.xas. - The great Mexican anny of 14,000, of which we gave an account hist weck, has proved a very small one, of nottnore than 1000 men - a mere preda - tory expedilion. At the last accounts ,. they were in ful! retreat (or Mexico, and 2000 Texa'ns in hot pursuit. The Texïnsarewide aVvake for an invasión of ftloxico. The New Orleans people aro hecoming mad on the subjoct. The papers city represent Mexico as a complete Paradise, a Ilesperian garden, abuunding with gold and silver, and every desirabie thing, to reward the valor of the conquering héroes who shall possess them. President Houston, in his official letters, promises to all recruits, "the soil which they conqüer - glory, victory, and imperishable fame!" Ainong other prizes, it is saiil, "ihe golden chandelier,.images and furniture of one church are estimaied at fivo tniliions of dollars." So it seems the robhery of churches - sacking of cilies, and división of the laods of Mexico aniong the freebooters is to be the object of carrying on war. Perhnps it wilt be found very convenient, and in nccordance with the doiïiestic iustitutions of Texas, to hold to "service and labor" uil the inhabitanls of ihe conqtiered country. Why not? Da not ;he tpoils belon to the victor? sirong éympathy with theTexans exisls in the icijoiniiig Sta,tep,and largenum hors of volunteers are expected tojoin the invading expedition to the city of Montezuinu. OÃrln the Señalo of New York, Mr. Root has introduced a preamble and reso" lutions relative to the actionofthe House of Representativos in the cunsure of Mr. Giddings, approving in f uil of the resolulions ntroduced by Mr Giddings, and condemnÃng the censuro upon him. Ordered to be printedjtogether with the resolutions of Mr. GindiniiK, and the vote of censure.The senate of Maryland hus rojected iho infamous bill from the House of Delégate concerning the fice colored pcople, of which. we gave an abstract last week. This is liighly to tlieir honor. QjHon. George Bradburn.of Nautuckef, formerly a prominent whig member of the Legislature of Maseachusetts, is lecturing on slavery n different parts of Massachusetts. fj?-Of490 patents entcred last year at the Patent Office, only eeventy, or one seventieth part of the inventors reside ia the álave slale?, and many of these are yankees Lord Aebburton has arrived al Washington, and is to remam there six months.