Special Proposition: Two Dollars Instead Of Three

To the Patrons of the Signal: - A oombinaLioij ff circutnalancee of a pecuniary na ture lias inducod the eubscribcr to make to the patrons of the Signal, ono and all, the fbllowing proposition, viz: That all those who tciü remit to vs Ihrough their Postmas' ter, the amount of their indehtedness to the Signal, be it muchor Hule, so that it reaches us by the FIRST JDAY OF MAYnext, skall have their Paper at the rate of TIVà DOLLARS -per annum. This proposal is made with Ibe hope Uut the subscribers to the paper, generally, ihroughout the State, vvill avail themselvcs of its advantage, and ihus benefit theiiieelvcs and accommodate Lho subscriber. N. SÃLL1VAN, Publühcr. ÃN. B, Those who refuse this proposiliuu. vill not ofcourse complam. if we exact the [published] terms in every ca6e.