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Slavery In Turkey

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1 sce you wish to put a stop to tlie introduction liere of whiie slnves from Circassin, Georgia, &c. On this subject I will merely reniark tbut tbc Sultan's mother wns a slave; 6O was Huli Pashn, the brothcr law o! ihe Sultan; bo was Hafiz Pasha. and go were mony of tha mosi disiinguished men and the most fortunato liuiies in the empire. Slavery in Turkey is in a very mild form. Even tlie black sluves are seltlom or ever ill treated. Before a man inakes o purchase of a slavc, he invariably asks him or her "Are you content to live with me and serve me7 If so, Í shall givo you bo many clothes and so nuch pocket money: and af'ergerving faithfully fiye or six years you will have your liberty, wlieiens f wc can't agree so long, I shall eell you to some otherperson with can agree." Sliould the slave object to remain with bis master. he himself has the power to go to the market and declare hc wishes to bo eold. Tho master never opposes this, and it proves such a check upon him th.'it lie seldom dnres even to scold his slave. These remarks apply fo black eiavcs; tho white slcves. if young, are adopted ns the cbiltlrcn of the house, nnd are treated exactly like the other children. If girls grow ip handsoit:o nn.J acconiplishtd. iliey find husbnnds to fhnir liki rL aóiong the highest in the State. - They aronot obligd to enter any harem except f iilnnsp?; tlinm : nnd if ill trpntnil nr dií5fírHitíntpH


Signal of Liberty
Old News