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Lord Brougham

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ryman. In pcrson lie is tal}, león, niw boneÜ, and ungninly ; vyith features uncommoniy hard , and coarée, and a complexión sallow and blood less. Therc is sorneuiing in the toncs of his voicc, which instamly conveys to tno ncarcr the idea of bitter and concealed irony. He nppears tóregártl Oi'é suhject ot debato. on!y as a field f battlc, on whieH he can manoeuvre his forces, and dlstresshis adversary, by his skill in shnrp Bliootinp, and planning ambúscades, and by the sud" dnn and murderotis fire of his maskod batteties. - You sit in periect admiration of his tulcnts an'l address ; but at the same time, you do not give hini onc partiële of your coiifidcncc, nor doos he ecem by his marnier to desire that you should. - Galfing sarensm, and bitter and distressing invective, no one bettcr knóws nów to administer ■.i toiii'a of aflbcled caimncss, - and in tlm provokiniT kind of Inngnngr, which nll the time keeps barely within the limitd of decortim. His action at times is energeüc, but nnjrraceful ; he saws the uir wiih his long, hony arnis, and nov and then rounds oS a period by an ernphatic thump on the tabte. You know when he is about to discharge gall of more thau common bitterness, by his leaning forward. weaving the muscles of hts face into a sneer, proiruding a long elendcr fingei-, and pteping about fröpi side to side. as if anxious that no drop of it should fall to thu giound unnoticed. This is the invariable eignal for a uoriiüA f rom this formidable Cossnck : nnd woc to the luckless advcraary ngaiust whom he directa


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