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WHOIiË$AM2& KKT.tll S TAPLE Ai'D ta .V C Y BR7 GOOBS. rrtHE Subscribcrs keep consiantly on baiid J_ "ree and choicfi stock of DRV G(H))X BOOTS AXD SHOEÜ. DRY i; {(' ■;.' JES, $c. tyn. which have been eelected wi;l care, anl are of the nesvest styles and best qmlities. As they are determino! not to be under sold, the)' solicit the patronage of iJiose wishinj to purchnse. Amongother iliincsfoo numcrons to mention, they have a large and excellent nssortment of SHEETINGS, DRÍL1JNGS. SUMWERSTUFFS, CAIICüES FULLED CLOTHS, SAflNETS BROAD CLOTHS, CASSÍMERES, GAMBROONS, LfNENS CAMBRICS, MUSLINS, HANDKERCHIEFS, &c. &.c. Bonnet Ribbons, a very beaiuiftil r.ssortnu'iii. Shuicls, Broche, Silk, and Thibet. of the richest patterns. Parasols; of all kinds, qunüues.. and priees. Hose and Half Hass, Coiton and VVorFtcd. Bonnets, Leghorn, Tusran and Straw. The nbove assortment of GOODS wil] be s.ild as dteap, or chcaper than can be nurchased in Detroit. P;WpoL Potash, riour, ju and all kinds of PRODUCE will be rece' ved n payment. ABGOTT & BEECHER, T , .-■„' 1 N, Jefferson Aveniie. July? 12,. 1843. (l2-tf.) Detroi(. Young Ladies' Seminary. MISS E. PAGE, Pkincfpal. Aliss Wkst. Teacher ín Miisió. Mrs. Ht-GHS, " DrawingandPainting. JVlrs. Saunders, (i French. Mr. F. Marsh, " Laiin. do do f Mathematics. Miss L. Wap.d, "■ ThePrimary Depart'ni THE ensuing (erm of Miss P's. jenlinarj commenceson Tuesday, 29ih int. TERMS OF TÜÍTION. In the English branches, from 2 50 to 4 50 perqmrter of twelve weeks; Lessons on tlie Piano, with the use of the instrument. xlO: and Painting. $1 50; Latin, $3(10; French $'3 00; Fnncy Work, 3 0w; Board, 1 50; Wash ing and Ironing, o7J cents per dozen. No pupil will be received íbr Icss tlian onc quarter. and no dcduction Wijl be made for al sanee except in cases of ill healtli. Among the Books used in School are- Paley's Natural Theology and Evidencès of Cliristianity - Abercrombie on the Intcllectual and Moral Powers- Kaïre's Elementsof Criticism- Whately's Logic- Jnmison's Rhetoric Mts. Lincoln's Botany - Parker's Natural Philósopb) -Comstock's Chemistry and Prryaiotógy Barritt's Geography of the' Heavcns - PheTp's Lcgn! Classics - ítollin's Ancieni History wiih Butler's Ancient Atlas - Playiairs Eiiclid- Davie's Algebra and Arithmetic, with Coiburn s Mitcheü's Geography- Goodrich's History U States. All the friends of Education are requesled to visit the school on Thursdays. when the lessons of the past week are reviewed. and comnositions read. The Superintendent of Public Instruciion. the Professors of the üniversity. and the Clergy of Ann Arbor have consentetï to act as a visitirie committee to the School. As the most decís" ve tcstimony in favor of anv institution. is to be obta;ned Trom those who are best acquain'ed with the suhjecis upon which it operates, Miss P. refers for information to the párente and guardians of her pupils- a catalogue ct7',Tnmes -wil1 be farn'shed to those inrere8tea m toe enquiryJL__ 16-vf GRASS LAKE ACADEMY, AND TEACHER'S SEHINARY. THE Trustees of this institution would inform the public that its Fourth quarter wij] commence on Monday, the 2!st of August next - Considenng the general depression of business i and cmbarrassed state of finaiicinl concerns, the number of students have far exceded thcir i tations. Tlnsfact, together with the -eneralsatisfacuon glV3n, warrant them in thebohef that prospenty and usefulnoss wil! crown this enter prise. Knowing the value of a permanent teacher, they have made nrransrements with Mr. BARRIS the present Principal, by which stabilnv wul be given to the school. ! TUITION. For the common Enaüsh branches, is3 00 i I he Natural and Maihemntical Sciences. &4 00 Latín. Gieek and Civil Enciineerin-. $5 00 ' 1 uition to be paid at the middle of each ter. - ,B,n td may be lm] in rcsPectall'e families foi I 1 W per week. Rooms may also be had foi ' hose who w;sh to board ihemselves. The Trustees of this Acndcniy are abaui recting a large and commo.lious buildin-r ,lCngnedto embrace Cliapcl, Recitrtion, and Li)rary Rooms: and also to accommodate from 40 v o 00 students with private rooms. FOSTER TUCKER. _ _ , Secretary of the Board. Grasa Lake, August 2. 1843. 18-4w.Mi II i iier y & Drcss iflnkingMrs. C. BUFFFINGTON, TJESPECTFULLY announces to Ihe in-■! habitants of Ann Arbor and vicinity, that sne has opened a shop, midway, between tJie uPper and lower villacres.where the business of MILLIJVERY tjr DRESS MJIKIJVG will bc earried on, in aJI ifs branches, with punctuality, despatch, ond in the best and most fasbionable stylo. Ann Arbor, Aprils, 1845. 50 íy Cash and Barter Store. C . J . GARLAND, HAVINGpurchased t!io emire Stock in irade of Godlrey and Alien, will be linppy t0 wait upon such as will give him a cali. Ilis stock consiste of a general assortmcm oí goods. and will be sold cheap, andíor rcudy pmj tnÁy. WANTEÜ, In e.Tchange lor GOODS, most kinds of country produce, and 300,000 FLOUR BARREL STA VES & HEADING, L lor which a fair price will bc paid. Ann Arbor, April l'J, 1843. 52-tf. JAMES . BIRiAEY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LA V . SACANAW CITY, MICHIGAN. JG. B. will also act as Land Agent in ihe Land District in wbich tb ia (Saganüw} T Countyis; he will makc investments for others J landa, pay over for non-residenis tlieir taxes an-l give Information gcnerally to persons i:itcrosicl - ni thi.s part of thecountry, or desirousof beconiïng immigrants to it. ._ - . CHARLES II. STEWART, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND " SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. JEFFÉaSOi AVEIÍDE, DKTR0IT. ' 40.,, ,


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