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L,OWER TOWN MESSRS. DAVIDSON & BECKER, have just received fromNevv York a large and splendid assortment of Fancy and Staple AJso, a large quántity of Dry Groceries9 Crockery, íShelf Hardware, Nails, Boots and Shoesf Men's and Boy's Caps? Paints, Dye StunsJ and Medicines, &c. &c. &c. whicli tliey willsell lower than has ever before been offered in this place. For particulars cali at their Sfore, No. 3, Brown's Block, (formerly occupied by H. Becker.) The highest Market price will be paid in Goods for most kinds of Produce. öq? Rememberthat they will not be undersold. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Nov. 13, 1843. 29-6mYICTOEY -IWIUN l.l Fl ■ ■!■■■■■ u f The Fever aod Ague used up- Dr. Banister's Filïs ■'. Hl Hl I III !■■ ■!=-- - - HMCgjnMlMgl_ DR. BANISTER'S CELEBBATED FEVER AND AGUE PILLS- Pukely Vegetable. - A safe, speedy, and sure rcincdy for fever and agüe, dum agüe, chill fever. and the billious discases peculiar to nevv countries. These pills are designcd for Ihe affectionsof the liver and olher infernal organs which altend the diseases of íhe new and miasmatic portions of our country. The unparalleled succe?s that has attendcd the use of these pills, induces theproprieíor to believe tliat they are superior to any remedy ever offered to ihe public íor the above diseases. They are purely. VEGETABLE and perfectly harmless, and can bc taken by any pe'ráon, mole or female with perfect safety. The puls-are prepared in Iwo separate boxes, marked No. 1, and No. 2. and accompanied with full direction?. A great number of certifícales might be procured in favor of ihis medicine, b.ut the proprietor has thought fit not lo insert them, in as much as he depends upon the merits of the same for its reputaíion. The above pil l is kept conslantly on hand by tlie proprietor and can be had at wholesale or relail at the Store of J. Beckley & Co., Ann Arbor, Lower Town. Orders from the country proinptly attended fo. L. BECKLEY, Proprietor. January 17, 1S44. 39-3m.■ ■ . , ■ "HTUST received at the Farm ers' and Mechanica' Store, a general assortment of Fancy andstaple Groceries, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, &c. &c. which vvill be sold cheap and for ready payonly. C. 3j GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Nov. .20, 1843. N. B. #s usual, any Goods purchased of him not giving satisfaction in price and quaüt)% the purchaser has the privilege to return them and receive back his money. _g_ C. ,J. GBLjgND.RAIL, ROA D TEMPERANCE HOUSE. TliE undersigned would respectlulJy inform thafriends of Temperance. and the public generally, ihat theaboe named House, formery known as the Temperancc Hotel, and siiuated on the corner of Michigan avenue and Washington street, near the Central Railroad Depot, having undergone thorough repairs and very great additional improvement6, is now ready for the I ception of all those who may favor him witli a I cali. The accoinmodations, in every respect, ore I not inferior to any Temperance Iiouse in ihe ! country, and every atteniiori will be given to such as bestow their patronage upon this laudable enterprise. N. B. Carriages alwnys in readiness to convey passengers to and from Bonts and Cara. WM. CHA MP. Detroit, May 9, 1843. 4-ly C&OTH! OLOTH rpHE Subscribers would inform the Public JL tbat persons having wool to bn manafactured, can have it done at their Manufactory wiihift a short time, as the large quantity of wool furnished them by farmers and others the past season is nearly completed, and will be finished wiiliin a íew days. We have rnanufactured cloth this season for about ona hvndrcd and tweupj-five customers, to whom we have rcason to believe, we have given general satisfaction. - With this encouragement, we hope ior future patronage. TER MS. Half the cloth tlie wool will make, or 37L cents per yard. We will also exekange Cloth far Wool on recsonable lerms. Wool sent by Rail Road to Scio will be properly attendcd to. SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, Washtcnaw Co., Dec. 25, 1843. 36-tfADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. THE undersigned, having been appointed by the Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, administrators on theestate of Asa L. Smith, late of said county, and having giren bonds as required by law, hereby give notlce to all persons jndebted to said estáte to make immediate payment to them. and all oersons having clnim8 against said estáte to present them properly attested for adjustment. SYRENA SMITH, Administralrix. WILLIAM M. SINCLAIR, Administrator. Anu Arbor, March 1, 1844. 45-6wRAIL ROAD HOTEL 183. BY 1843. PATRICK & AÑORE WS. OPPOSITE THE WESTERN AND NORTHERN RAIL ROAD DEPOTS, DETROIT, MICH. npHE . above Hotel has bcen greatly enlarged, X and fitted up !n a style equal lo ony public house in Detroit, for comfort and conveniencc. Its location js in a heahhy and pleasant part ol tho city, benig situated on the Public Square, and in the inimediate vicinity of the Central and Northern Rail Roads, and convenient to the principal STAGE ROUTES divergingto the different parts of -the State. Tuaveí.kks wishing to take the Cars or Coats catino t find a more convenient ploce than this. being near the Cars on both Rail Roads, and in immedinte connection wiih the Eoats. The Proprietors assure the public, thal no pains will be sp'ared to furnish their TAB1E with the best the Mnrket affords, and their customere wiih evervattention in their power, rcquisite to thoir comfort. CARRIAGE8 BAGGAGE WAGONS always in readiness to convey Passengcrs lo and from the Boatsand Cars fre'e of charge. TERMS - 75 cents per day, or 25 cents per meal. PATRÏCK & ANDREWS. Nov. 6, 1843. 28-Gm. Bristol's Sarsaparilla. THití valuable medicine su justly celebrn'cd as a cèrtain cure for Scrofula or King8 Evil, or any diseasc arising from impurity of the blood, has become so well known as to need no pubUeation of the nuinercus certificates now in ourposscssion, of the extraordinaiy cures lately pcrformed by it. hut fearing there niay be sonie persons afleetcd who have been gulled by usina the imitntions got up by others, we would re" spectfully rcquest tliein to cali on us and satisfy themselves of iis many cures in similar cases. - Bypurchasing of usthey can rely upon the genuincness of the article, vvhich they shoukl be careful to do, as we are told there is a spurious article of the same name for sale in ihis vicinity. Be careful to observe that "Bristol's Extract of Sarsaparilla, Buflalo," isstampcd upon the bottles, and "C. C. Bristol" written in hia own liand over the Cork. W S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Doe. 05. 1843. 36 WOOL AND WOOLEN CLOTHS. Iwill exchangc woolen cloths of every width and quality for wool, to be delivered in May r June, or after shearing time. My stock of ,-loth is complete, quality good, prices low, &c. F. OENISON. Ann Arbor, February Ist, IÖ43. 41. B. It is important that wool be doneup in ood order, ana anv 'formation will be given when aekod F. D.ABBOTT $ BEGCHER. DETROIT WHOLESALE AÑJ) RETAIL DALERS HSJ DOMESTie STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODSJUST rsceived a lorgcr Stock than ever of Heavy Brown Sheetipgs, Sliirtings and Drillings, Bleached Goods, Calicóes, Apron Checks, Baggings, Burlare, Diapers, Crath, Muslin, Fuatinns, Molo Skins, Sattinets, Sheep's Gray Cloth, Buckskin Cloth, Fancy Cassimeres, 1 Wolverino Coatings, Alnpaca Lustre, Changenble Stripe Do. Fancy Alapines, Crape Delaines,IndiaCJoih, Moushn De Loinea, Parisians, Chusnns, Shawls. Rob Roys, Cardinals, Damask Shawls, Black, Blue Blnck, Brown, nnd Blue Broací Cloths, Felt and Pilot Over Coatings, Blnnkets, Flaunels, and Superio BEAVER Cí,OVIIS, Leather, Cotton Yarn, Tea, Sugar, Cofíee, Rice and Tobacco. All ofwhich Güods will be sold at the LOWEST PRTCES that they can be bought for West of New York Citv, and we wish our Friends to give us a Cali before Buying. WANTED. POT ASH, WOOL AND FLOUR, For which we will pav the highest pnces cíther in CASH or GOODS, at the CHE AP EST CASH PZICES, No. 144, Jeflerson Avenue, Córner Bates Street, Detroit. Detroit, Nov. 13. 1843. 29-tf. PETERS' PILLS. TRUTH HAS PREVA1LED. PETERS' Vegetable Pilis have now been ten years before the public. During that period they have obtaineda celebrity unparalleled in the liistoiy of the most popular medicines which have preceded tliem or have followed in their track. - The hnppy combination of vegetable ingrediente to which these pillsowe their efficacy, is the result of years of earnest study and experiment, directed by long previous experience in the propertiesof medical .substances, the pathology of disoase, the nature and modus operandi of the various fluids which minister to the support and sustenance of the human body, andorgauizntion by which those fluids are prepared, niodified and distributed. The triumph of skill, and patiënt experiment has been complete. Throughout the length and breadth of our lund, in British America and the West Indies, and on the continent of Europe, the carative virtues of Peter's Vegetable Pilis, are gratcfully acknowledged. They may be called thu medicine pau K.ncKt.r.ENCJï, ol the Southern States. Thcir consuinption south of the Potomac, is enormous, and continually on the 'mercase. No other pill "goesdown" there, however sugared over with hired pufis and home manufactured certificates. Peters' Vegetable Pilis may be termed a universal medicine, for there is scarcely any deraíigement or obstruction of the organs and functions of the human machine which they will not alleviaie or remove when administered in the early stages of congestión of thc slomach or bowels, they speedily relax those organs, reduce the attendant fever, and restore the sulTercrto health. Containing no trritating or drastic substances, their exhibitiou is never followod by thot prostration of the bodily powers which characterize the opcration of most other cathartics, and they may be administered without iheslightest feur of producing local inflammation, so frequently caused by the purgent composiiions vended by the quacks and charlatans of the day. In almost all stages of disease, Peters' Vegeta-, ble Pilis will be found of beneficial effect," bui they should always be resorted to wher. the first symptona makes its appearance. The conquesi of the complaint will then be easy and immediate. Ín billious disorders, remittant or intermittant fever, dispepsia, dysentory, cholera, cholte. diarheua, dropsy, sour or feoted eructations, en[argement of'the spleen, sick headachc, all complaints growing out of imperfector too rapid digestión, torporof the bowels, femaleobstructions, liabitual costiveness, and all other diseases ín which a purírative medicine is proper, Petera' Vegetable Pilis will be fonnd unrivaüed in the peod, certainty and genlleness of their operaiton. It is osked npon what principie these extraordináry effects are produced? We reply that Peters Vegetable Pili acts as a puri'fier of the blood, by purifying the chyle and other fluids of which blood ís composed. Chyle is o inilky fluid depositod by the digestive matter olí the coais of the iniestines: and which when combined with the billiary secretion, is conveyed into the veins and becomes the principie of life. This medicine acts directly upon the chylel [rom which it expcls all acrid partióles, and al, íiumors detrimental to a henlthy circulation. It cleatises the juices and fluids before the chemical chango takes place which fns them for iheimmediatepurposes ol vitahty, This is beginning at the beginning. To embue the streams of life with health, it is necessary to purify them at their 8ources. Such is the radical mode in which this medicine performs its cures. Testimoniáis which would hll volumes (many of them from high scientific authority) are its vouchers, and it is used in the practico of the first Physicians here and abroad. For sale by F. J. B. Crano, W. S. J. W. Maynard, J. FI. Lund. Harris, Partridges & Co S. P. & J. C. Jewett, Davidson & Becker, H. Becker, Christinn Eberbaeh, G. Grenville, D. D. Waterman, C. J. Garland, E. T. Williams. Ann Arbor; George Warner & Co., D. C Whitwood, J. Miílard & Son, N. H. WingDcxtcr; M. Jackson, Lconi; Paul Raymond. Jackson; Brotherson & Kief, Manchester; D Keys, Clinton; D S Haywood, Saline; Stone. Babcock fc Co., Ypsüanli; Scattergood & Coi Plymoutli; Pierre Teller and T. H. Éaton & Co. Detroit; also in Adrián, Tecumseh, Brooklyn, Pontiac, Chicago, and almost every where else. Ann Albor, Jan. J5. 1844. 27-1 y CELEBRAT ED CHEM16&1 PLASTES. THE following is one from aniong the nu merous testimoniáis from persons of the highest respectability, which the proprietorshave received. LETTER FROM JOHN S. CARTER. Druggist and Apothecary Eric, Pa. dated July 2nd, 1Ö4Ü. Messrs. ïl. Hakkis & Co. - Gentlemen : In reply to your iavor of the Ist instant, it nffords me pleasure lo state, that I havo during the Jast three years sold many dozena of E. Dcan's Chemical Piaster, and ít has almost universally given satisfaction to the purchaoers. It h&s done wonders to my certain knowledge both in Chronic and Inflammatory Rheumatism. An old genlleman who had been aíHicted with it for yeavs remarked to me that he had expended more than thirty dollars with doctors without benefit, when he was directed to try the piaster, fïom one box of which he says he reccived more relief than from all bis physicians. The piaster lias also given good satisfaction in Fever Sores and Inflammation of the Eyes. I could say inore, but the bearer of this is waiting. ltespectiully yours, JOHN ft, CARTER. UJrFor the diseases in which this Piaster is ap plicable, see adveitisement in anoiher column o this paper. E. Dean's Chemical Piaster is for ealo in Ann Arbor, (Lower Town,) by J. H. LUND, and W. S. & 3, W. MAYNARD, ? Upper CHRISTIAN EBERBACH, Town 49-ly JAÜIE . BERIVËÏ ATT ORNE Y AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. SAGANAW CITY, MICHIGAN. JG. B. will also act as Land Agent in the Land District in which this (Saganaw) 2ounty is; he will muke investmerits for others ands, pay over for non-resiuentsJ.heir taxes, and give i nformation generally to personarnterested n this part of the country, or desirousof becomng immigrants lo it.YPSILANTí ACADEÏY AND ' TEACHERS SSKIWAE, H. H, GRIFFEN. Principal " Mr CHAS. S. WOODARD, ASSISTant rpHE nextterm of this institution will menee on Monday, Feb. 12 iJ i nu ue 11 weeks. While this school 8 equaïv 5 all ofboth se, who wish to 2 en educauon, particular nttention wlJJ be ê those who aro preparing lo cf Ti,'"0 sive and uninterrupted attention of ht n U will be given to import a practical khnPi VC'po1the English branches. Üe oecuntï Y edge of an hour daily in lecturing, wffitíGtíd'ífSÍ' paraius, ininerals, or otherwise. UIUOItoeap. Afparatus.- The Institution a f with Chemical, Phüosophical, and Lxl apparaius, Surveying Instruments tronom!il solids, &c, to tho amount of alan j Gabinctof Minerals worth $50. ' a Sod TumoN in the common Enelish ht-n„ t. 'dading Composition and DTc ama fon in' $2,00 to jg50. In Philoeophy. cLS L1 frAm tronomy, History, Itheturic, Bolanv Ai' lAs" Geonietry, Surveying, &c. frotn S4 Lfi , I Í „ Mezzotinto and Chinese or tfcïr' $5'00' SM each ior 12 lessons, taughiby MTff! The tuition is to bc paid at the mii r , term. No deduction for absence wll t m ' ' ffiuthcf'irtS Board, Including room and w,i;. r $,1,00 to $1,50 per week; for furEn 3 f?m inquire of fre principal.' Rooníeí cheap for scholars to board themselves Rov. I. M. Wena, Rev. H. P. P0Wer n E. Crnne, J. Fairchild, M. D J r ' nGV' M.D G &.E. M. Skinner.Esqrsfs Muá have lundly consented to form a viritinfSh' toe, to be present at the Week revi Thursday, and at the pub.ic exannnSf L YpEJlanti, Oct. 16, 1343. . 5__lv theItrueTaíñ EXTRACTOn SAI.V3B, llThlOli cures like h charm all ÜURNSbt T V lire or water, and every exiern-1 snrn? PAJNf INFLAMMAÏION, ACHor ITCH-! ING ever yct found upon the human family ,0 wluch u has been applied, must ahvays be LZ genuine from Comsiock and Co., of New Ymk or the.r authon.ed ngents. All" a.-e cautioned ngnmst . any spurious anieles, which may always bc avoided by knowing the one yOU buy comes from Cometock & Co , who are now the ouly propnetors and manufacturers. Inquire for Connel s, which is warranted to do all it ever would whencnlled by any other name, or the pricb shall be refundcd m ony case if it does not please To place it within reach of all, tho price has been reduced more than four fold, and is now sold for 25 cents, the former price being too exorbitant. Tho 50 cent size now conmins four times as much as the lormer, and the $1 size nenr ten times as much. Njq íamily that has any title to humanity, will fail to have Cóxiteïllé Pain Extractor Ointment always at hand, to save life, all scars, and reduce all agony frum any biirn in five minutes, provided they have seen it used, or will believe those who have used it. COMSTOCK & CO., 21, Courtland Street. Kr Be sure, therefore, and ask foi Connf.i.'s, as our pinte with Dalley's name ou it has been stoien, and the spurious may appear with tlmt name en it. Know, therefore, that it comea ilirectly from Comstock & Co., or shnn it. WM. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, 36 i Agent for Ann Ardor. CLOCKS! CLOCKSÜ THE subscriber haviiig just received several cases of BRASS and WOOD CLOCKS, of various descriptions, is prepared to sell thein Cheap for Cash. Also, a general assortment oí JEWSLRY, consisting in part of Gold Finger Rings, nnd Bosom Pins. Flearts and Crosses, SilveT and Common Thimbles, Watch Chains and Keys, Pensil Cases: also, Spoons, Sugar Bowls. Butter Knives, Tooth and Hair Brushcs, Pocket Books, Violin Strings, Needies, Pins. Hooks, and Eyes. Spectacles, Fine Corrbs,Dressing Combp, Side Combs, Back Conibs, Pocket Combs, Water Painis. Marking Cotton, Steel Pens. and Tweasers, Snuff& Tobacco Boxes, ÉInstics, &c. All of which will be sold as cheap as at any other establishment this side of New York. N. B. The subscriber thankful for so large a share of pnblic patroiiasre. still solicitsa cotitinuonce of the same. CLOCKS AND WATCHES of every description repaired and wnrranted. Also, JEWELRY repaired on short notice Shop at hls old stand directly opposite the Cuurt House. C. BIJSS. Ann Arbor, Nov 6, 1843. 26-1 y. THE following indispensable iamily remedies may bc found at Maynard's Druggist Store, in Ann Albor, where none will be sold unless known to be of the best kind nnd no counterfeit article ever oiFered, patent medicino invariably procured ot the origin il inventor or his regular successor: OT Aro familj should bc a iccek icilhout these remedies. j-ri BALDNESS. Balm of Co'umöiu, for the Hair. which wil stop it if falling out, or restore iton bald places; and on children make it grow ropidly, or ou those who havo lost the hair frotn nny cause. ALL VERMIN thatinfest the heails of children in schools, are prevented or kiile.d by it at once. Find ïhe name of COMSTOCK on it or never try it. Tteviember this always. PILES, &c. are wholly prevented, or governed if the aitack has come on, if you use the only true Hays' Lü' iment, from Comstock & Co. All SORES, and every thing relieved by it that admits of an outward application. It acts like a chaitn. Usfl it. RHEUMATISM AND LAMENESS positively cured; allshrivelled musclcs and limbsaro restored, in the old oryoung, by the ludían Vegetable Elizir and Ncrte and Bont Lini? ent-hut never without the name of Comstock & Co. on it. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMÍFUGE will eradicato uil WORMS in children or adults with 8 certainty quite astonishing. TOOTH DROPS. Kxinks- cures effectually. Ann Arbor, Fcb. 5, 1844. 41 ISSOLUT1OJN.- The Partnership heretofore existing under the firrm of Davidsons & Becker was by mutual consent dissolved on the 30:h day of March. All notes and accounts ofsaid Firm will be settled by R. and J. L. Davidson, who will still carry on tho business at the old stand. ROBERT DAVIDSON, JOHN DAVIDSON, C. R. BECKER. Ann Arbor, March 30, 1844. TiftTW A V NOTICE is hereby givcn thát a yoke of fouF year old stoers broke into my enclosure m the township of Superior, Washtenaw couiiiy, loatfall, one brown, a little white on the tip of te tail, the; tip of the horns black, the other r d with a lino back and belly, some white on bis face, and a white tail. The owneris requosted to come and prove property and pay damages and take them away. FÉLIX DUROSS. March 5, 1844. 8w46 BOOK BITDERY AT THU PAPER M1LL (l.OWEH TOW) ANff ARBOKs EBOOTH would respectfully inform the inhabitantsof Ann Arbor and vicinity that. he continúes the businefs of BOOK BINDING, at the old atand, in the Paper Mili. Old Book will be neatly rebound on short notice. All kinds of RULING done to 4 Country produce taken in payment. April 10, 1843. 52-tf. BLANK DEEDS, MORTGAGES, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONSES, &o. &t printedand for sale at the ÏÏT SJGNÁL OFFICE, j


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