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The Wabash Standard, A Democratic Paper, Published At La ...

The Wabash Standard, A Democratic Paper, Published At La ... image
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G7 The Wabasb Standard, a Democratie paper, published at La Fayette, la. has tbe fol lowing candid notice ofjMr. Birney's Letter onJTex :. "The Abolition or Liberty party is now numérica Hy too strong, and has too many men of powerful talents, of high moral worth and f untiring energy, engaged in promoting it uccess, to be entirely overlooked or treated with contempt. Such being the case, their opinions and position should be examined and understood. Their candidate, James G. Birney, of Michigan, was the firet of the presidential candidates who expressed bis views relative to the adrmssion of Texas. Hia letter ie dated Pebruary S8th, and was written in accordance with the request of a meeting ïn AHeghany County, Pa., cocnpoeed of individuáis of all parties. It is short and vigorouflly written, and bis arguments (against annexation, of course) can better be disregardd than refuted. The letter gives evidence of vigorous and well disciplined mind, and wherever read cannot bat increase his reputatwn as 8 statesman.''


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Signal of Liberty