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'The Democracy we advocate is juslice betweea man and man; between State and State; bet ween nation and nation. Il is morality. - It is giving every man his due. It is doing unto others as we would have them do unto ua. It advocates the banishment of fnlsehood, fraud and violence,from the offuirs of jnen! li is the moral code of Him 'who spakeas never min spake.' Ii is the perfection of reason and the law of God.' Tbe above definí t ion is froin Kendall's Expositor, No exceplion can be taken to it as a definuion of Demncracy by any whether they be Whigs or Liberty men. It appears well on paper. But appliedto the party that bears its name, it is a sort of rhetorical flourish, like the Declaration of Independence in the eyes of the sla veholder. Let s compare it with the Democracy with which Mr. Kendall profeeses to rank. 'The Democracy we advocate is justice between man and man;' and therefore as Mr. fiuchanan says, the Democracy is tbe natural nlly of the South, i. e. slavery. 'Justice bet veen State and State,' and tbere fore the Democracy allow the slaveholding States to overawe the free States, and im prison their citisens when known to be ihe ad Tocates of Dertiocratic equality. Zetwee nation ond nation,' m] therefor the Democracy is now eñdef.vorinjr to rob the neighboring1 nation of Mexico of a íarge por tion of her territory. it is morality and tlierefix-e eapporting 4the 5tim of all vill nie? ekvery, throwin over ft the mantle of the govomment, nm fhus givin countcnance to the injuslice, lli cruclfyf the liccutiuusness, he blood anl violence, and the whole train of the evils and ginHof slavery. 'It is giving every man his due,' and therefore countennnces the robbing ol the laborer of his woges. It is doing unto otheis as wc would have others do unto U3,rand tlrerefore.rnakes sla ves of othere. It advnci'es the bnnishment of falsehood, Trnud nnd violcnce, from the affiirs of men,' and therefore by frnnd procures ihe nominal on of a servile tooi for its rnicr, ml fnkocsifis the annexation of Texr.c, by ralseliocxl, at the Í)ü7.ird of war with 11 foreipn territory. 'lt is the mornl code of Hi Tl who ppake as never man spake,' md therefur .acl:novledtrep as its embodimeut he who has ríecláred tliaJt elavery is the mo.-.t safe r.tul Rtoble basis for free institutió'ns in the world. ♦It ia the porfection of reason and the lavv of God,' therefore it sets the Iaw of God ot


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