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Selections: War Expenses

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We nave often censured íhe miserable, absurd policy of our governrnent, in aping, without a single plausible reason, the war estublhhmentsof Europe. A writersigning himself Harry Bluff", through the coluijns of the National IntelUgcncer, is siriving to convince the pcopli! of tne Mississippi valley thoy are in imminent danger from the bcilicose power and designs of Bniain, and ho would havo (hem, we suppose, devote pil' earnings io preparing themselves for the ti-rriblc irruption when it comes. Their licA ir.c-de of defending thernsclves, is the one thf?y are so assiduously pursuing - lillage and matriinony - raising orops and raising chiidren. A i tion of tw.eniy, thirty. or Ibríy inilüons. hardy, indiistrious, enterprising, intelligent, self-dopendení,needs no ü'efene, but ijs ov.:i ever-present power, and its stn'ct to juslice. Dr. Dtmean in his speecli on ths Army Approprialion Bill,well exposed the abominable policy of the governmcnt in rclation to the war expenses: "I have supposed, says he, that nn indusiriou?, frugal farmer, with a farm worth live thousand dollars, by bis own labor, will make three hundred dollars n yrar. We have v!;'; wo rail onr regular army. Al the head ofthat nrmy we have a rnajor general, whose annual saiary and perquisites amount to ;í?.144 83 Twenty-fotir farms worth S120,000; the labor of twen ty-íuur nersous per year, worth each SI per daV) amounts to thosum of S'T,512; and the nggregaíe valué fór one year will be, iricapital and labor $127,512 lf eacli -iarraer receivcs $300 as hisshareof the proceods of capital invcstcd and labor expended, t!i?ii wil! Major Gen. Winfield Scoti receive ns mnch as tho whole twenty-fbur persona . wi!h ihr:r unitcd labor, and tnefr 6120.000 of vcstcd c.-' Usl.or iwojïty-iour limes ns niuch aseitlier oC thom. I will ask my readers lo keen this illustratie in miriri, v.ná to apply it to tliQ s:ilar;..'s of ihe ofiicers, whicli I proceed further lo expoáO and compare. I repeat tbaí - Tito mnjor general receives pcranniun, S7,141 88 Equul to tho income per an níim oftwenty-four farms, capital nud labor included. A brigadier general receives S4,600 A surn equal to tbe proceeds of fifteen farms, Oatái worih -ySjOOO, and labor included. An ndjutant general recoirc." 3,8S4 A siim cqual to tho procceds of thirteen farmr,worth cach 85,000 and labor iucluded. An inspector general receives 84,133 A sum equal 10 the procceds of fourtoen fn rms, v.orlh each 85,000 and labor included. A quartermaster general receivcs $3,707 A sum equal to the proceeds of twelve farms, each worth 35,000, and labor included. A commissary general receives 83,568 A sum equnl to the proceeds of twclve farms, ench worth $5,000,ñnd labor included. A surgeon general receives $3,628 A sum equal to the proceeds of twelve farms, each worih 5,000, aud labor included. A paymaster general receives 83,583 i A sum equal to the proceeds of twelve farms,eacii worth 55,000, ond labor included. A colonel recoivc3 93,910 A surn equal to tlm pr.;ceeds of thirteen farms, . each worlh I;r5ü00, and labor included. A lieutenant colonel recnives 62,874 A sum equal to the proceeds of nine farms, worth each i?5,000, and labor included. A major' receives 82,307 A sum equal to the proceeds of eight farms, each worth Sü.000, and labor infcludèa. . ... A captam receive $2,134 A sum equnl to the procoeds of seven farms, eacii worth L5,000, and labor included. And, sir, astonishíng to say, even n lopsided, .single-epuletted lieutenant dovours cach year the entire procecds of five farms wovlh S5.000 each, and labor." -


Signal of Liberty
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