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Poetry: The Song Of The Shirt

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For a parody of Thomas Hood's poem that was previously reprinted in the Signal of Liberty, see "Song of the Editor" in the April 14, 1845 issue.

OCR Text

D Tho following article lias been extensivoly publUhcd. White itspoaks of the unrequitcd toil and suflering of the iciitt laborcr, tt rctnindt us of the poor slavc at the South. F rom the English Churchmnn. THE SONG THE SHIRT. With fingers weary and worn, With eyelids heavy and red, A womnn sat in uiiwomanly ragp, Plying her needl and thread - Siicli! Slicli! Sücli! In pp.verty, hunger, and dirt, And ttill with a voice of dolorous pitch She sang the "Song of the Shirt!" 'Work! worl;! work!" Wliile the cock is crowini.' aloof ! And work!- work!- work, Till the stars shine through ihe roof! Il O! to be o slavo Along wilh the bnrbnrous Turk, Where wotnan liaa never a soul to save, lf this is Christian work!4 Work - work - work, Till t!ie tirain begins to nvirn; Work - work - work, Till the eyen are heavy and dim, Sean, and giiuset, and baud, Band, and gu-:6et, ond se;uii, Till over tlie buttons I lull aaleep, And se'w them on in a dream! ■ "O! men, with sisters der! O! mm! wiih mothen and wives! It is nol lin-n your wenring out, But human crea'.ures livew! Öiich- ftich - btich, In pworty, huneer, and dirt, Stiwing at once with a doub'e thread, A shroud as wcll ad a shirt. 'But why. do I 'alk of' Death - Tliat plianton of gnlv bone, I hardly fear htt terrible shapr, It scems so much iitcc my own - It seemii 60 much like my own, Dpcaiisc of the faste I k'ep O! God! that bread shonld bc so denr, And fle'bh and blood so clieap! ' Work - work - work ! My labor m-ver flng. And whot ore its '.vager? - n bed of straw, A crüst of breat! - nnd rags, That shatter'd roof- nnd this naked floor; A tnble - n broken chfiir - And a wall so b'ank, my shadow I lliank For so:netime falling there!"Work - work - work ! Prom wenry chime to chime, Work - work - work, Au prisoners work for crime? Bnnd and gUFsei, and een cd, Setttn and rnissel, rul band, Till the heart is sick, and ihe brained benumb'U As well as the weary hand. " Work - work - wor k ! In the dull Oecember üght, And work- work- work, When t.'ic weather is warífl and Gright - While nnderiieetli the caves The brootifng swallows chng Ás if fo ehow me iheir sjiiny backs, And twit me with the spring. Oh! butto breath thebreath Of the cowslip and primrose sweet - With the sky above my hcad And the grass beneath my feet, For only one short hour To feel as I iiáed to fee!, Before I knew the want, And the walk that coste a meaï! "Oh! but for one short hour! A re&pile however brief ! No bleseed'leis'ure for Love or Hope, But only time for grief ! A little wocping would ease my heart, Bnt in their bririy bed My tears mosrstop, for every drop Hinders needie and thrcod." Wilh finjrers weary and worn, With eyelids heavy and red, A woman sat in unwomanly rage, Plying her néedle and tbread- Stich - siich - stich ! In pover ty, (jonger and dirt, And UU with v vóice of dolorom pitch- Would that lts tono could reach the rich! She eang the Song of the Shirt. ftJThe State' Constitütiox of Texas wts completed ón.tb.e_ 28th of Augus and theConyntionjoiirnedo -