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A Public Benefactor

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-Dr.■ nuil, ior me tast nvc ycarn una Deen lahoring 10 spread his Medicated Lozengea far and wide. nid his lubors liave nol Leefl n vain - ihcy are now known n cvery part of onr land and on the Continent, and have met with universal apurobmion. His Cough Xiozenges have cured moro cases of Influenzi during its prevalence in New York than any other medicine that can bc namcd. His Warm Lozenges continue to perform wonders wlrero all othcr remedies have 'ailed- and his Comphor Lozenges will relieve henduchc and paf)Hation ín a very few minutes while hb Poor Man'a Piaster, which coste only I2J cent?, isbolieved tobe the very best strengihening Piaster in the world. And whilo fhese cures are being made 6y the üoclor's preparalion, the publie have the satisfaction of knowing that they uro skillfully ml nccirrately prepared by a regular" physicían, and are nltogether the best medicines which can poesibty bo tbund, thcre being no quackery of humbng about thom. Dr. Sherman'a warehouse 8 No. 106, Ifas3au street, N. Y. Vqï eale wholesalo ntid retail at Moynarde.