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Logfinsport, Ocl. 11, 13 JJ. Wo, tlieundersicnetl ministers, and Eider (f tlic Constitniional Presbytoriun Cluirch o ihe Sime of Tndiana, bdieving that the eystci ofsluvery, ns practised in t lic United íátutes, is not only sinful in itself; but that in ts practice, it is paralyzing the efforts of the clniich ín própayoüng the pure gospel of Christ, injurious te (he &oul of the master, and a grievnus wronfr to the sluve; and whüe t continúes in connoction with ihc churcli, it wili beft source ofcontinual discord, diatract her comiséis, and divert or dry np her charities. Thcrefore we tmite in calling' a Convcntionofall llie Ministers and Eldprs of the Constitutionnl Presbyterinn Cliuich of the U. States, whobelieve elaveholding is a sin, to meet two duys previous to the meeting of the Triennial Assembly, in May next, at Phihdolphia,al 10 o'elock, A. M., to take into coneideratinn the interesis of tho church nnd the cause of Chiisf, as connected with slavery, and f possible to devise a remedy for the evil. We wouid also invite the brei hren ofothor brnnches of the Pre.sbyterinn famüy, and otir Conprcgutionnl brei hren who belieye that the slaveholdin relat ion as t eM.ta in the United States, is a sinful relation, io meet ns nnd take part in our deliberations.Jonnthnn Cable, J. lïjohnston, J S. Kitchridge, S. K. Sneed. J. M.Sadl, Alexamler Scmon, Lj A. Johnson, Asa Martin, tli Char!esBficchor, Henry ]tn]e, c Charles W. Tony, Wm. M. Chcevcr, _ John M. Dicky, II. VV. Beeeiier, Thomas Anderson, J;i'a A. Caiinlian, M. AI. Post, Jumes Thomson, [ E. O. H.v-}-, Eliphalct Kent, James McCoy, s ELDERS. 'i Joim McCoy, Samuel Donnel I, j' Stephen C. Stevens, Thomas Ilatnilion, d Cvrtis Sharp, Luther A. Donnell Robcrt Mitchel. 8I P. S We hope all papera friendiy to tho lUrifying of tfiecliurch from ihe eviN of o y, will givethis cali an inferlion. And brelhèn friendiy to this Couvèntion, will picóse to espond to tiiis cnl!, by sending their fc ions and nnine to tlieir respective papers. - Wii VifZ rttif