Antislavery In Virginia
Tho Editor of the Richmond Whig has been obliged to lenve hia paper 011 account of his nntislavery principies. - We find ihe following explanation of tha facts in theCincinnatti Herald: "That selfiah discloimers nvail littlo nfterall to allay the indignation excited by an atiack upon the system of slayery, we haveadditionnl proof in theexperience of J. H. Pleasants, editor of the Richmmd{ Va.) Whig. Tho Whig was founded by this gentleman, and by his conduct of it he had won tlie confidence of 13 largo number of subscribers. Lately, he carne to tho conclusión that the timo had come when it was the duty of the true sons of Virginia to ?eek the removal of slavery from its soil. As he feit, so he spake, accompnnying, however, his denunciations of slavery with anathemas of Abolitionists, and taking grent pains to assuro tho people, that nct lor the sake ot th Slaves, but of tho Whiles, did he seek the extinciion of the ovil. This avniled him nothing. Many of the subscribers to tho Whig becoming oflended, tho publishers of course feil into a st.ite of great apprehension, Mr. Plensanls feit himself hampered, and at last found it necessary to retire from the paper, to maintain his editorial ndependence. ITo now announcca his intention to establish another paper, of which ho will havo the solé control, and in which he will act tho' part of a fret man.Thus Abolitionism hns crossed tlie lino nd made a permanent locigmcnt in iho iroe large borderingSlave States, Mnryand, Kentucky, nnd V irginin. In cach State the standard oC Liberty ia rcared )y one of ita own citizena55Ve notice in the Sennte a disposition to tampcr viih the License Law. - In revising the Slatute, Feb. 19th tha amendments lo strike out scclions 28 and 29 which gives the voters at a township election, the right to vote for or againt, and lo determine whether license shall be grantedor not for the salo of spirituous liquors, wns carried as follows: - YEA8_Messrs. Coe, Dentón, Fenton, Kibbee, Robinson, Smith, Thurbor, Williams - 8. Nay8- Messrs. Chipman, Green, Halo, Howell, Littlejohn, Maynard Rix, Videto- 8. Tho vote being a lie, it was decided in favor of striking out by the casting vote of the President. The title was tlicn read the third time. lt wil! be of no use, gentlemen. The Law will bc sustained hy the people. - Moral revolutions never go backward.
Anti Slavery
Richmond Whig
License Laws
Old News
Signal of Liberty
J. H. Pleasants
George Alonzo Coe
Samuel Denton
William M. Fenton
Rufus Kibbee
Rix Robinson
Abner C. Smith
Jefferson G. Thurber
Gardner G. Williams
Joseph S. Chipman
Flavius Littlejohn
Oel Rix
Loren Maynard
James Videto