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Liberty Party

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-We rctoUio to sec theSignnl of Liberty coming anti Ijrjing to urge ils pnriy to come, on the bn ad Whig platform of' equo! fights, progress and reform i ■jll tuina 1- in all tuuigs cxcepl Ihe tanff." - Stttte Journal. The facüity wiih whicli our neiglibw uf the Tournnl assumes the truth of propositions, ia nost surprising. Like Sir It-nac Nt'wlon, le isimlly jump trom premisi's to conclusión at i buiinJ, without going throtigh ivith those i!erinciJlul.e elcps wliicU du'.lf r m rinls tind t nccessary to use in order ló arrue nt the ome poinl. But in t lii-i puruciibr instnnce ie surpns:es himscll ; fur lie hos nc pnMiiisPsvlmtever to start willi. II njnices, lie y8, "to fee the Signal of Liberiy coming, ind. tryinc to nrpe its party lo come, on llie jroad Whig platform of cqual rilitP, piogross ind reform in all tliings, 'xrept t'ie T.-irifT"." Now we mk liini, wherc is tliis Z'A'ï" p'"1 forrn ? VVe Iwive ncvrr been nble io find it. The Editor nvidcnlly nlludes to the pn.position in cur last pupers, flf llié Liberiy party lo take certinn niHafiircs Inr Reform ; niid the fï'gtrraent is, that slioild íh y do it, they wotild be standing nt onre on the ' Whig platform!"' In other words, tlie VVtiig purty nlrearly hold to "rqnal rights, progress, nnd reform in nll tliingn"' as Wbig principlee.- Ve wibh it were 60 : bnt the facts teil a very diflbrent sloiy. The Whig party, as such, allhough il ios existcd some sixteen ycars, so far as we have learned, is nnt committed, practicilly nud fully for any mie of tlie Iteforms Ihnt ibe Signnl enumerated. Look at lliem, for n moment, in detail, and then judge for voursclf.1. Tho use of all Constitulionnl mears to ïbolish Slavery. What National Whig Conventionever sancíiúned this principie ot' Reform?" There linve been probably more thnn 200 Wbig State Conveutions held. Can yon . name omï of them, tliat ever avowed ihis prin , ciple? H'is thcre ever been a Whig dote for Congress in this State, who has ( licly subscribcd to the principie? You must i m6wer, J'o? Where Uien is your "Whig j platform?'1 L. Equal Politicol nnd Civil Righle.- Where have the Whig party toknn ground for the equal SufiYage of the Colored man?- They have had the power lo take ihe steps for granting it to him n Conneciicu, Ohio, New Jersey, and Michigan, btit huve refused, though often intreated to do it. 3. Judiciary Reform. Tlie Whig party in Michigan have spoken in itd favor in ihis State, but not in any other State. Nor have they pr&posed nny National reform. 4. The Eleclion of all Na'ionsl and tate officers, as fur as possible. No Wl)ig Convention has ?nnttioned this. 5. Reduction of Salaries. The Whig party have not taken any ground for National reduction. The last Whig Reprosentative from this State - J. M. Uownrd voted agninsi such a reduction. The WUigs, when in power, made no such reduction. 6. The Reduction of tlfc Army a.ïd Navy. Whnt Whig Convention. or Whig mcmber of Congres ever proposed this ? JYot one! - Why then talk abotit the "Whig platform?'1 7. ATarifffor Revenue, bat Direct Taxation when the National expenses can be rcduced to a small sum. The Journal not only does not pretend that this is any part of the "Whig platform," but "doea not believe thathe na'ional expenses wil! ever be much lees han 8t present." 8. A Reduction of the postngo Tax, and Aboütion of the Fronking privilege. The VVhig party have never declared for it as a irinciple, nor advocated it in practice where hey had the power. Now if the Journal and t he Whig party wül get on to this platform, nnd abide nn it, we shall he "glad to see it." But to represent the Whigs as noto holding to these principies when it is notoriously untrue, is not good sense or good policy. No goud can come from represent ations.