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Fatal Accident

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On Friday last, Mr. Leonard Bunn was killed by being run over by his loaded waggon. The catastrophe occurred near the house of Mr. Shultz, in Plymouth. He was on his way lo Detroit with a load of barley, and while descending a hill, the staple of the neck yoke come out, the horses become frightened and cleared themselves of the waggon, leaving Mr. Bunn with the wheels resting upon him. When extricated, he was found to be entirely dead, hisscull having been fraïtured by blows from the horses fcet. We understand that Mr. Bunn was from Marengo in this State, and has left a wife and six children to lament his untimely death. (Er A Biib8criber in Boston, lonia County, writcs that the Signal does not oflen arrive until ihree or four weeks after publicntion, and thcn two or three numbers at a time, whilo New York and Pliiladelphia papers, arrive within about a weck from the time of publication. This tute of tliings shows eithcr gross ncgligenco or designed rascality in aome of ihe post offices, as the packagc is put into this oflice every Monday morning, marked via Jackson. We trust this delinquency may be corrcctcd. KT The Supremo Court of the United States have defeired the decisión of the question of the consiitutiouality oí a State laying restrictions on the snle of imported liquors, until the next sessionufthe Court, which will be a yoar irom this time. Tho reason asiigned is the vacancy of the seats of three judges, on being nbsent. - Legal jnsticc is commonly tardy in itJ steps.