Religious Revival
It will be interesting to our readers to leorn that rcligious meetings have been held every evening for eeveral weeks in the Presbyterian and Methodist Churches m this villinge. The attendancc has been full, and the meetings continue with unabated itere6t. A portion of the students of tlic Universily have attended the meetings, and shared in the genera) excitement. We learn from our exchanges and otherwise, thst revivals are also in progress in Ypslanti, Ãn Pontiac, and in Adrián. (ET The Editor of the Ohio Union, a grcat Oregon advocate, writes from Washington, ob a fact derivcd from the highest authorities, that "sfiould England send back to tlie United States Goccrnmcnt tlie propositionfor covipromtse of 49 dcg. - tuaT proposition would be accepted BY OUK GOVKRNMENT." Thrce fourihs of the Senatc, he saye, would bein favor of accepting it. Very likely. (D The story of the "Wondorful Boy" on the first page is very marvelloua, and appearg to be almost incrcedible: but in this age of the world nothing eema to be bcyond possibility. Th writer hascvidcntly patnted the picture to advantngc. But read for yourself. America could support 930,000,000 of inhabitants, without being eo densley populated as Europc now is.